Is Might Right ? (part 2)

This post is written as an epilogue to the earlier post Is Might Right? written a few days ago. I couldn't feel that the two comments shared with me could be allowed to go unacknowledged. The sign above, whilst designed as an advertisement for investing, I felt it applied to a much wider application. I try to apply it to my life.

I had an anonymous person comment on that post. They are in a wheelchair, the result of someone's choice to express their anger in a moving vehicle. For want of a better term, they are a victim of Road Rage. At the trial the person shared with me and all who read here, that the people who were playing silly buggers on the road claimed in court that they "didn't mean to hurt anyone". Yet clearly they did. When I learn of these these insights into life it puts it into a whole new paradigm I submit. I am thankful for this comment, for the thoughts it created in me and the choices it made me look at with more reflection. I have walked away, note that part, and become a different person. To the person in the wheelchair who wrote me, thank you. I will strive to think of your words and carry them with me at times when I move through life from this point going forward.

My dear friend Lynn also commented privately to me that she felt vary passionately about the Olympic Torch violence and added some valuable insight into this as well. I will quote a couple of the things she said because it really is important to illustrate my feeling, though it is hers, and covers off exactly the motivation I had to write the article in the first place.

"I am more than aware of the atrocities that are occurring in and through China at present. I don't agree that violence is the answer, but I do see that through desperation to be heard, people are resorting to that means."

"The majority of the world has no idea, or simply refuses to believe, what is actually happening there. China has up until a very short time ago been able to keep under wraps the genocide they are committing, the murders, the concentration camps, the illegal detention of innocent people etc etc. Tibet is just one small part of it all. I have seen footage smuggled out of China showing the people in concentration camps whose only crime was to live in housing that was knocked down to build Olympic venues. 60 people cramped into one small cell. China wants to show the world via the Olympics that they are supreme. The cost is too high. I don't know what the answer is.... all I know is that more and more people are now aware and awareness is power in itself. I do not in anyway support violent protests... but then I think to myself... how would I react if it were my family being tortured and persecuted? Would I be able to remain calm?"

"We are so very fortunate to live in a world, a country, where life is quite simple. Admittedly we are starting to see anger and hatred weave it's way into our otherwise peaceful lifestyles. So many other people in the world do not know this comfort. They don't know what it's like to not live in fear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, and a whole lifetime (usually somehat shortened) of years."

I cannot add much to the comments above, other than to say, that sometimes I, and possibly all of us, occasionally look at things in isolation and not see the wider detail.Consequently our view can be somewhat myopic and distorted. I appreciate the understanding and wisdom I feel I have gained from these two people's insights. Sir Isaac Newton, the forebearer for much of the collective understanding on gravity and time reportedly said, "that if I have been great, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants". Truly I feel similar to that presently. I honestly feel enlarged by the comments made.

Isn't the internet an amazing vehicle? I am so awestruck and honoured that some 1800 people have visited my blog. I have truly been grateful for so many things of late. I am grateful for Thomas Eddison for light bulbs, Alexander Graham Bell for the phone, Benjamin Franklin for the concept of electricity and many other things, The Wright Brothers for flight, and little known Oscar Barnack for the camera.

I stand on the shoulders of these great people every time I use the things they conceived. I thank them, and all those who took their original concept and made what we have and use today. Today is a day of much gratitude, that I again get to do what I most love. This picture below is another shot of La Perouse, called Bear Island which was the backdrop for Tom Cruise in the Movie MI2 (Mission Impossible 2). I Looove the clouds and light. Very cold though at that time of the morning. See the fisherman in the bottom right hand corner? It was a magic moment for me to capture this.

Kd Lang is in town, and I just love her voice. She sang this song from Leonard Cohen on morning TV yesterday and I just wanted to share this here, because it seems to strangely fit. What a talent. I am in awe of that voice and the texture of it. She is truly amazing.


Anonymous said…

An interesting post today.

I would like to make an observation to highlight a theme that pervades most of your posts.

You really do seem to be quite uninformed and naive when it comes to subjects of controversy.

You may have opinions on particular topics but they are generally myopic and tunnel-visioned.

Initially, I thought that it was a strategy you were employing to trigger discussion and response to your posts. However, as time goes on, it is evident to the reader that this is not the case at all - you are uninformed.

Further evidence of your lack of research and knowledge is evident in your regular retraction posts. First, you put forth an uninformed point of view, receive rebuttals and then follow with apologetic posts that quote statements from the responses of others that are now, suddenly, your new point of view on the matter.

I do not say these things to be offensive. Rather, I would like to suggest that you become more widely read, particularly in areas that you raise as controversial topics.

Your "Is might always right" post was peppered with inflammatory comments. After reading it I sat back and shook my head. It was evident that you are ’clueless’ as to what is going on in China with regard to Tibet etc.

I am not at all surprised that you received some strong responses. If you had made your comments in a more public forum, you would have been verbally 'set upon' for your unsupported stance and naivety on the subjects you were addressing.

Having said all of this however, there is another theme that surfaces strongly in your posts. You seem genuinely affected if you think you may have hurt or upset any of your readers. This is an endearing quality and certainly smooths over your regular and obvious blunders.

With warmth and friendship

Anonymous said…
I absolutely love Kay Dee's version of that song...a long time favourite of mine.

Anonymous said…
... more KD..

Not sure if you have ever seen this KD interview Craig, it is my personal favourite.


Craig Peihopa said…
I accept your point of view, in so far as there is always the opportunity to read more widely. If I failed to comment on any topic I haven't become an assiduous reader on though, that would render me somewhat helpless. Reminds me a little of people who don't know what to say to an acquaintance or friend when someone dies, so they choose to say nothing. That's not me.

I do try to initiate dialogue or discussion on many points I raise, and it sometimes turns out well. The point of my post was not, and never has been, to present myself as an authority. I am simply suggesting that whilst I am aware of some things that the tibetans face, violence is not the answer, to anything of worth or value.

I believed I illustrated that by indicating the different rages that people are having and highlighting the reasons they are using - in my limited experience. It would appear that both you and the other person, who remain comfortable in the cloak of anonymity, are missing the point of my post altogether. I was not using myself as an excuse at all, I was including myself to suggest that I am not above my own criticism. I offered a public rebuke for finding a violent means to express our collective frustrations. Lynn expressed it well I think by agreeing and adding simply that she understood, in the case of the Tibetans at least why they are acting this way. In light of her comment I understand more clearly now WHY they seem to be doing it, but I still reject that as a vehicle for expression.

We are all at different points of learning and growth in our lives. I see people almost everyday who think they know more about some subjects that I do know a great deal about. I might feel that they are clueless as well, but would never suggest that to them. There will always be people above me and people below me in experience, money and in understanding, but I accept that where I once was, others will be. And where I want to be, others already are. We all have something to add. I would have treated the comments you made about being clueless on some topics with greater respect than you did. But again, we are all on the road of life at different points and I accept and embrace that.

The purpose of all of my posts is to understand my world. It is always to find my inner self, and how that interacts with my hopes and dreams and my life. When I comment it is rarely to suggest I know all, when clearly I know very little. I am the first to acknowledge that. The more I know about problems in the middle east, the less I really know, and the less it seems anything can be ever done. That can be said about life for me as well, in so far as the more I know, the more I realise I don't know. I do look through rose coloured glasses compared to you it would appear, however, there is something I have to offer the world, and I will continue to offer that whilst ever I have a voice. My personal view of me, is akin to the little drummer boy in the famous Christmas tune, all I have to play is a little drum that happens to be a camera, I do the best I can and if that gives others happiness or joy, I am honoured.

No-one ever comments about the gratitude I feel for things, for people, or the connection I feel to people and to life. THAT is the interesting thing I get from the posts I write. People latch on to the things they feel passionate about at the exclusion of the other things I add. Like I become an offender for a word, when the rest of what I say or feel is of little or no consequence. Interesting stuff. Thanks for commenting.
Anonymous said…

Your post is as other responses to critiques in the past have been: defensive, reactive and emotive.

I delayed my response to your ‘Is Might Right’ post and almost did not submit it because I suspected that you would respond in this predictable manner. I had more to say, but refrained – in retrospect, a good choice.

You yourself offer critiques on world events, politics, and human behaviour. In so doing you “latch on to the things [you] feel passionate about at the exclusion of… other things (quoting Craig). Yet, if you feel that you are on the receiving end of such a critique you respond with disappointment and defensiveness.

You are sending confusing and conflicting message to your visitors and readers. You have openly courted responses of all types, calling yourself an open book on many occasions, yet if the responses “rattle your cage” you do not like it. A post that may run contrary to your opinion is not a sign of enmity Craig.

The things you have accused me of you have done yourself in your own response to my post. You have also made statements that are not true. Let me break it down to illustrate:

Quoting Craig:
"No-one ever comments about the gratitude I feel for things, for people, or the connection I feel to people and to life."

This generalisation is incorrect. Take a closer look at my post Craig, and the way in which I took great care to make it as balanced as possible:

Quoting V2T:
"Having said all of this however, there is another theme that surfaces strongly in your posts. You seem genuinely affected if you think you may have hurt or upset any of your readers. This is an endearing quality..."

Additionally, go back over my previous posts and you will find many, many instances where I have both agreed with you and complimented you for your outstanding character traits, including your loyalty and respect for your friends’ etc. Have you forgotten so quickly?

Quoting Craig:
"People latch on to the things they feel passionate about at the exclusion of the other things I add."

I want to remind you that you have stated in the past that I am one of the few visitors to your blog who really reads all that you have written and considers each post in its entirety.

Quoting Craig:
"We all have something to add. I would have treated the comments you made about being clueless on some topics with greater respect than you did."

"Like I become an offender for a word, when the rest of what I say or feel is of little or no consequence."

My use of the word "clueless" has obviously offended you. If so, I do apologise. However, you have made ME an offender for a word when I clearly stated: "I do not say these things to be offensive." You have taken one word out of my whole post and chosen to be offended where offence was never intended.

Again, how quickly you have forgotten your own offences. In particular, the very early post in your blog, where you named celebrities and then reiterated in very scathing language, criticisms of their efforts entrusted to you in a private conversation.

When I made my post counselling you about the ethics of such behaviour, you edited your own post to erase any record of your slanderous language and then you edited my post to remove any reference as well, to cover your own tracks and to conceal your misdeed.

You have accused me of disrespect Craig for ONE word in my post, yet your previous celebrity post was far more disrespectful, in spite of your claim in this post that you treat others with more respect.

Will you also edit this post to conceal your double standards? I wait to see.

Alternatively, will you also do as you have done previously and tell me that this is the end of the discussion?

Or, will you do as you have done to others previously (in your Christmas restaurant post), when critiques have been negative and the debate is not going your way?

Anonymous said…
A question of ethics:

Craig, you quoted your friend Lynn in part 2 of "Is Might Right?".

Did you ask her permission or secure her consent to publicly quote her stance on China in your blog?

Anonymous said…
Quoting Craig:
"It would appear that both you and the other person, who remain comfortable in the cloak of anonymity..."

This is a point that you have raised previously in the same tone and reference. If you are not comfortable with anonymous comments you do have the option of screening and censoring.

You have noted previously that you choose not to do this because you do not want to live in a protective bubble.

If you have a blog site with an anonymous comment option, the comments will come Craig. Probably with more honesty, objectivity and controversary than identified personas.

The question is, do you want honesty Craig? If it is not comfortable for you then it is within your power to change the set up of your comments section. You are the one with the power to do so.

We have had this conversation in a post way back when you first started blogging.

As I have said previously, if you wish me to not visit your blog and/or not comment, I am happy to comply.

Anonymous said…
What did you think of the KD Lang interview link I posted for you Craig?

I thought it was hilarious!!!

Craig Peihopa said…
from where I stand, it appeared to me that your comment that initiated my response was very different to the other comments you have written me. I sensed something has changed, and I am trying to understand what has occurred. I sense an amount of disdain or sarcasm in your words directly toward what you think I should be like and to what you think I really am. The tone I feel, I have never previously felt in any of your posts. The way in which you described things was raw, perhaps even harsh - or so I thought. Was I offended by you saying I was clueless? not so much as I was beginning to think it was someone else who used the V2T identifier and wrote on your behalf. Clearly I was mistaken, it WAS you. To suggest that by using Lynn's paragraphs that I was adopting her thoughts and plagiarising them to be my own was different and not my intent.

Interesting that my response was seen to be defensive and "rattled", yet it was an honest expression and explanation of where I stood and what I felt. I utilised that response to illustrate my thoughts to your comment. I wasn't making you an offender for a word, merely pointing out that is how I felt, and how it appeared to me. In re-reading my post, I was very proud that I held my composure and didn't write a response that was too hasty or disrespectful. I thought I was respectful and temperate to your feelings and simply stated mine without bitterness or disdain.

However, if I embark on a series of quotes and re-quotes now to "prove my point" or to clarify yours it gives me the impression that it will be of little value to the "relationship" overall. Will it achieve anything? If I am right or wrong what then? Is that the time when I will see what it is your trying to get me to see and then arrive at the same place of understanding?

I sense you to be a person who is no stranger to controversy and has on many occasions sought to get me to be better, and to see things differently. Believe it or not, I appreciate that. Appreciate that you take the time to visit and write.

With such a limited frame of reference that seemed to be given in your responses, it would appear that no matter what I say, I will be accused of shutting you or the conversation down. Is that what you really think? Do you really think me a person that seeks to "hide my misdeeds?" Do you really think after reading all of my posts and all of my responses to you that I am so shallow? Is there no place for reason? is there little room for acceptance of differences of opinion, differences of thought and delivery?

All comments are welcome here.

However, I feel hamstrung with the damned if I do, damned if I don't scenario you provide me with. By raising the Christmas example, and suggesting that like previously I will simply end the discussion paints me into a difficult corner that I do not paint for myself. in the successive responses that you have sent me, there is the almost pervading undertone that because it is "too much" for him, it will end. I almost sense you wanting me to say don't come here anymore, but I shall not. Any choices as to whether you come or go shall rest with you. You are welcome here.
Craig Peihopa said…
No I did not ask for Lynn's permission. I hope it will not offend her, but I appreciated the insight she provided, and felt she explained that well.


the kd interview was good. I thought it was very witty, suggestive, without being confronting. Something it would seem that kd wasn't even prepared for. She seemed like she was bracing herself and then instantly relieved when the topic became less confronting.
Thanks for sharing that.
Anonymous said…

You have responded in a similar manner to previous lively posts between you and deflecting, sidestepping and evading.

It is a strategy of sorts in debate - are you consciously aware that you are doing it? Turning the spotlight away from you by employing deflective questions?

Whether you are intentionally deflecting or not, you are effectively evading the contemplation that you are doing the very things in your posts and comment responses that you lament about others doing to you.

Instead of looking into the mirror of similarity, you have thrown a blanket over it and chosen not to look at all.

Quoting Craig:
"I wasn't making you an offender for a word, merely pointing out that is how I felt, and how it appeared to me."

You see others as making YOU an offender for a word but fail to see your own commission of this action. When YOU do it, you explain it away by saying that you are only expressing how you feel or how things appear to you.

Can you not see that it is likely that this is happening with those who are commenting on your blog? Using your own words..."Is there no place for reason? Is there little room for acceptance of differences of opinion, differences of thought and delivery?" (Quoting Craig).

Will you continue to think that you are being unfairly dealt with when it may simply be a similar case of - "I wasn't making you an offender for a word, merely pointing out that is how I felt, and how it appeared to me.”?

To answer your question:
"Do you really think me a person that seeks to hide my misdeeds?"

…Again, you are generalising and evading with a deflective and overtly emotive question. I cited ONE concrete episode of this behaviour on your blog, it did happen, you did do it. I did not refer to it as serial behaviour on your part.

When I asked why you did it at the time, you were evasive. Whether you are a person who does this regularly is beyond my knowledge, I can only comment on the time you overtly did it on this site.

Quoting Craig:
"It would appear that no matter what I say, I will be accused of shutting you or the conversation down...Do you really think after reading all of my posts and all of my responses to you that I am so shallow?"

I have never accused you of being shallow Craig. Again, you are generalising and evading the point with a deflective question.

You HAVE shut down lively conversations with me in the past and stated that you expected your post to be the end of the conversation, effectively gagging any response I might make.

You have also verbally shut other posters down who expressed objections to your opinions, told them to 'get a life', and go elsewhere (Christmas restaurant comments section).

The 'hamstrung' and 'corner-painted' dilemmas are scenarios that you have placed others and me in previously.

At various times throughout your blog you have shown yourself to be reactive when faced with strong differing opinions. You have given the reader the impression that if the exchange of opinions gets too much for you, you will shut it down. That of course, is your right...this is afterall your blog.

Life can be a long series of mirrors…we can choose to look into them or simply cover them up.

Anonymous said…

I question the ethics of publishing another person's political stance in a public forum without their prior consent.

Just as I question the ethics of publishing sensitive information from your mother's past in a public forum without her prior consent.

In both of these cases you did not offer the people involved the opportunity to preview your 'coverage' before posting, therefore offering them the opportunity to edit in accordance with their moral right to do so.

You did not respect their right to say "no" in the first place. Rather they are left to respond after the fact. I particularly feel for your mother on this count.

Anonymous said…
Wow....,. I just popped by the blog briefly before going out and now feel compelled to say a few quick words on here.... something I rarely do. (not sure here if I am referring to writing on the blog or managing to only say a "few quick" words hhaha)

I address this comment to both Craig and V2T. (from Lynn)

My first reaction to the comments here was:

Blog rage! That's another one we can add to the list.

Firstly V2T (hi... nice to meet you) I appreciated your concern for my privacy re my stance on the current situation in China. This is indeed a very delicate subject and one that I am very well read on and also very passionate about.I personally know and have spoken with people who have either been victims themselves of the abuse or have close family members currently incarcerated. I chose not to publish my comments on Craig's blog for several reasons. The main reason is that I am a personal and extremely close friend of Craig's and I often like to bore him with my long winded emails on many different topics. Craig has never written anything on his blog that he knows would embarass or offend me and I believe he felt he knew me well enough to know I would be most happy for him to share my thoughts re China. Recently I stood on a stage in front of many to join in a most peaceful protest and explain to anyone who would listen exactly how I felt on this issue and my current understanding of it.

So Craig... you have my blessing to repeat those thoughts, and as you know my encouragement also.

Once again though I do thank you V2T for your concern. Very sincere and your intentions were clear and honest.

Like you I enjoy reading Craig's blogs.

You two did however today get a little bit "tit for tat" and if only you could both stand back and view it from an outsiders eyes as I did, you would have the pleasure of a little smile as I now do enjoying the banter of two people who know each other well - even if only via this medium.

Isn't it lovely to be challenged from time to time. It makes us look within and re-commit to that which we truly believe in and discard or refine that which we're not so sure about.

Keep up the blogs Craig.... and keep up the comments V2T.

Your both delightful!

Anonymous said…

It is my distinct pleasure to meet you. Craig has mentioned you from time to time in his posts with great respect and affection.

Your comments are wonderful!
Thank you for your objectivity and insight.

Quoting Lynn:
"You two did however today get a little bit "tit for tat" and if only you could both stand back and view it from an outsiders eyes as I did, you would have the pleasure of a little smile as I now do enjoying the banter of two people who know each other well - even if only via this medium."

Craig and I are guilty as charged! Heh heh. To be honest, I have been chuckling at our interchanges all day. Every now and then, Craig and I have a lively discussion. It has been a while since our last debate. It is always a vehicle of learning. It is always entertaining.

For the most part, we are even keel. I really do enjoy the conversations that Craig and I have, all of them, even the "tit-for-tat" ones where we call each other out and end up bickering like siblings.

Blog Rage – what a classic!
I had a BIG belly laugh at that!
Blog Rage indeed!

Quoting Lynn:
"Isn't it lovely to be challenged from time to time. It makes us look within and re-commit to that which we truly believe in and discard or refine that which we're not so sure about."

I is incredibly stimulating to challenge and be challenged. I most enjoy challenging those whom I respect because I know they will give me a comeback that will bring about self-review on my part. Craig always delivers.

Hope you have a lovely night out!

Tub said…
what a great read. V2T (Hi) Having read your comments from visiting the blog for awhile now. It seemed that the comments today have a bit more sting in them than normal. That's not to say it isn't interesting reading.
Like Lynn I too know & respect Graig as being a good bloke. Both of you have wicked points of view. I look forward to it continuing.
Anonymous said…
Hi Tub,

Nice to meet you too.
I appreciate your feedback regarding the 'sting' and I will take it on board.
It is helpful to have an objective assessment.

I agree, Craig IS a good bloke with many endearing qualities and I enjoy reading his thoughts and interacting with him.

We call each other out from time to time.... it has been quite a while though since we did it last. I think our last bantering interchange was well before Christmas.

We both agreed in the early pages of this blog that we would have honest and lively interchanges and that we would challenge each other.

I am duly impressed that his friends would come to his rescue and defence in this chapter.

Craig Peihopa said…
WOW, It is 1:06am as I start this having just gotten back from a photo assignment I have been working at since 5:30pm. I am humbled and grateful for Lynn, and for Tub, and even V2T. What an interesting volley. I have observed much today. I am tired and am supposed to be up in a few hours for an all day/ night wedding. I couldn't let this moment pass without expressing my gratitude to you all. It gives me much joy and pleasure as I complete the transfer of images before showering and retiring, to see the many comments. Here's to you V2T ! Cheers!
Anonymous said…
Hi Craig,

Hope you enjoy the wedding today.
Looking forward to seeing the images.
Have a great day!

God bless...V2T
Anonymous said…
Hello to all. My name is Lis and I’ve been a friend of Craig’s since our teenage years. Our paths don’t cross too often these days but we keep in touch with occasional emails. I read Craig’s blog fairly regularly, although I don’t post comments. It’s always interesting and enjoyable. I always go to the comments section to see what V2T has added. I think you bounce off each other really well and it’s really fascinating to read. This section was a ‘cracker’! Keep it up guys, you are a dynamic duo and you really get the rest of us thinking! Lis C

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