Lightning bolts & Balloons at dawn

A little while ago there was a lightning storm outside my front door. I have never had any success with this previously. I stood on someone's roof, at their approval of course, in the middle of a thunder and rain storm to capture the lightning. All I caught was a cold. Their roof was also an entertaining area and hence provided what I thought to be a good backdrop. I have tried several times all with little or no success. Now I would like to have taken these lightening shots with Sydney or a cavern as a backdrop but, hey who am I to tell the lightening come back when I am at a better geographic location! So I have captured these couple of shots and was so pleased. The shots are not doctored or created in photoshop, they are real! The two things I have never captured to my satisfaction and high standards are lightning, and the big yellow moons that look like a planet. I don't know what they are called eg New Moon....or whatever. I have never seemed to be in the right place when I saw them with a camera. The last shot is of a balloon I saw taking off earlier as the dawn broke at Parramatta Park. I could feel the warmth of the flame and it was beautiful! Have a great day everyone. It is cold and very fresh here at present, and I must be getting a bit older as I am feeling the cold a little more, but I am loving it. The change of seasons is beautiful, and as Autumn is my favourite season of the year I am on cloud 9.

Have you heard about lunar calendars? Maybe it will help you know more about the moon's phases?
Good luck to your quest.
I weigh the risks, I take a chance and hopefully get something better than eloctrocution! But I have done a great many things that in the light of common sense don't make much or any!
But I do them in the hope of finding a magic "something" that often only reveals it's magic to those who pay the price to get it. National Geographic, the former Life magazine photographers and many documentary film makers and photo journalists can attest to knowing the risks, and choosing to go into the fray in the hope that you will walk out of the experience richer (in experience and achievement) for "going in".
I have seen a lunar calendar, but the one I saw never ever said yellow moon. Do you know what the correct name for a yellow moon is? I used to think it was called a new moon, but it isn't.
Thanks for your comments.
Loved the photos as usual. Never, ever give up.
On with my quest!
Found this article on the net
Mentions about the full moon being "bigger and brighter and yellower".
Learned something myself. Thanks Craig.