
I just woke up and had a wonderful dream. I won't go into it, not that it was of an embarrassing or sexual nature, far from it, it was just a simple dream that when I awoke, left me feeling respected, appreciated and valuable. The lingering feeling is sweet and beautiful. I have often felt that it would be nice to have dreams interpreted and wonder what, if any, part they play in sending us messages for life, that are perhaps pertinent to where we are in life at present or we are heading. I suspect however, that if I was to find a person who can read and interpret dreams I would be hesitant to go. Strange ha!

A dear departed friend of mine once asked me if I had been to a fortune teller, to which I responded then, and now, that I had not. I have always been curious to go but have chosen not to. It's not that I doubt people exist with the "power" to read and interpret dreams or your life but accept that in life people have so many different gifts and talents. I am such an one. I am just cautious to pursue this path, as much out of hesitation, as out of doubt as to the persons motives or out of fear that what is said may be misinterpreted by me and send me in a direction contrary to the path I should be on. Just a short one today, have a good day everyone. Pictures are of the Sydney Harbour bridge, and of the car park at a concert venue in Sydney.


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