It's Raining, it's Pouring.....

I had to meet with some people on a trip to the city on Thursday morning and though it was raining I saw this wonderful man, who day after day shines shoes, he really represents something I really admire, the ability to never give up.

This man has been featured on television and has not had life particularly easy, but he does what he does. My heart went out to him this particular day, draped in little more than a weather protective sheet, with no clients, he still showed up for work. His faded Santa hat a sweet and solemn reminder of someone who is still there spreading a little kindness, a little love, for a little price. I regret not being in a position to do anything for him, like buy him a coffee or a croissant I just admire him and will do something for him next week.

I am very grateful for eyes to see and appreciate the people who are often forgotten. He is not forgotten to me.


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