Vivid Sydney - Part 2

These shots were taken around the end of Macquarie street Sydney, showing the state Parliament House, the Museum and St Mary's Cathedral and Hyde park. I took these last night in the last few days before the light festival is concluded. I just love the low light end of photography. ALL these pictures were taken hand held without any tripod at all.

How is it that the buildings are different colors in some photos and different colors in other photos? And with writing on them? I looked and can't see where light sources are being used, but I am guessing that MUST be how it's done somehow... I wondered this yesterday, too. Whoever put this all together is very, very talented. Must have been a real treat to see it all in person. :)
And yes, that photo with the trees and the 5 people underneath is my fave. It's spectacular. I'm not sure if you took it for a singing group or what the story is behind it, but I hope they seriously consider using it!
I like the same picture with the people, I just took the shots for myself, but will use it somewhere sometime!