Life - I'm standing in it!

On a friends blog she has a quote which is simple and powerful.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
- Douglas Adams
I have over the recent past been edging closer and closer to the realisation of my goals and dreams. I have climbed the veritable mountain and been emotionally spent in the process. I have made my presentation to further advance those opportunities to a high degree of acceptance and respect, which was humbling and powerful all rolled into one.
My vision and business proposal, which i will not discuss for strategic reasons on the blog at this stage as it is awaiting some legalities, but suffice it to say, that I am very grateful to have taken the next step from a wish and a thought to make it actually happen. It is at this level when you open your vision to others that a strange concoction of events, reactions and attitudes become evident in ways that you cannot possibly factor in fully in the preparatory stages. It is said that there must be an opposition in everything, and certainly why should my situation be any different.
The opposition I am facing and have heard, has only served to spur me on, not as some well meaning colleague had suggested, to fulfil some anti-fear fear, or some psycho masculine rubbish, said simply, the opposition and voices of complaint have only served to encourage me to recognise that when you step out of the "comfort zone" sometimes people don't like that, you become a little less predictable, and maybe even a little more powerful or perhaps even different! Heaven forbid, that I would ever be the SAME as everybody else.
I am a determined guy, who has never wanted to accept the terms for my life that others imagined for me, and even at 45 I am discovering aspects to my character and resolve that I have only seen perhaps twice before in this journey I call life.
So standing in the genesis of an idea that could in a very real way impact this country and by it's very nature, my life, I am standing tall on a mountain of my own creation and grateful that I have chosen to try.
I honestly have sat back on more occasions this week and just taken in the feelings that in my little office and on my messy desk, that an idea which has been germinating and percolating within me might actually now see the light of day and revolutionise aspects of life in this country. The people I have shared my idea with two years ago, and recently have all gone WOW.
One man in the last week looked at me incredulously and said, "How come no-one else has thought of or done this? It's amazing" - Time will tell, but It has been an interesting and surreal experience to see this process unfold.
A lady I respect said to me almost in a psychic way last week, that she had felt I was about to enter a new door with contracts to be signed and surrounding the door was thick and hardy bamboo - meaning in her interpretation, that whatever was happening in my life would grow and develop thick and fast, and that by entering in the door and signing contracts all of my dreams would be realised. I hold a long silent prayer that this will be so. This lady had little or no idea of what I am embarking on.
A friend Jim, recently wrote a wonderful post about Embracing Uncertainty which you can click on below this post and in that article he added a quote from writer Joseph Campbell which I believe would be appropriate to share here.
“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”
I have begun to recover from the last week and a bit away in Melbourne, there were late nights and early mornings and on a sustained basis it is so draining. But I am happy and enjoying the process of letting go of my apprehensions and fears and being open to unpredicatability and new adventures. I certainly dont have the answers to life, in fact I probably only discover more questions, but I am loving the chance to see the world in new and fresher eyes.

Jim Paredes - Embracing uncertainty
It seems like you only need to pump the handle on the well a couple of more times & things will be gushing everywhere.
nga mihi nui