Back home again

I have been away in Melbourne for the last week preparing for, and supporting the Photo Marketing Asssociation's Digital Life Expo - photo extravaganza and have really enjoyed the experience. I have been to Melbourne many times before and yet this time I saw some truly wonderful sights in the wee hours of the morning or at the latest hours of the day as I walked back to my hotel from meetings and dinners.
I loved the alley ways and the amount of wonderful cafes I saw and the vibe that exists there in the areas I was in. I took a number of images which I will upload over the next few posts, but I wanted to share this picture which was taken by a friend and colleague Chris who is from Queensland.
It was tough on one level working and always being "on" and upbeat, and on another level; altogether it was hard being in Melbourne and being close to some friends and family and having no time to visit with anyone at all outside the rigours of the schedule I was expected to maintain. I hope that my friends and family there, will be somewhat understanding.