A former Prophet, President of my church, Spencer W. Kimball, went to Utah State Prison once to visit with an inmate. Marvin J. Ashton recounted, when President Kimball met with the prisoner, a convicted murderer, the man sat before president Kimball and didn't say much. Marvin said that he thought, as he was there as well, "what would you say to someone who has committed murder, would you judge him harshly? would you try and find out why he did it? what brought him to that point? and added, that all President Kimball asked the inmate was, would you tell me about your Mother?" to which the man, a large and intimidating man, simply crumbled and wept. After some time he related his life and how the influences had shaped his life to this point. President Kimball had showed no desire to judge or demean him, he simply wanted this man, and the two others he met with to know they were loved, inspite of the choices they had made. Marvin noted as a post event comment, that in that hour or so of being with those men, he learned more about what the saying of Christ's was when he charged us all to "love one another, as I have loved you", and the importance of having a Mother's love.

It may have been a weird way to introduce a Mothers day note today, but the impact of what a Mother can mean to all of us will vary widely, some are not good memories for many people, and for others they are beautiful memories. I hope that for all of us who have Mothers living and for many who have passed, that we can let them know how much we appreciate them today. I am confident that as I believe in a hereafter life that once a Mother, always a Mother, and the departed Mums will be near the ones they love on this day as well, at least in the southern hemisphere as I think Mothers Day in the northern is celebrated in June, and it is there a Happy MOM's day.

And finally to all the Mothers who visit here, including my own, Have a Happy Mothers Day. I think the role of a Mother must be one of the most under rated professions in the world. Yet today, the tears, the sacrifices and the joys all Mum's make are before me. I am certainly grateful for my own Mum. I am grateful for my Birth Mum Vera as well. Thoughts of them surround me having risen at 5am this morning. This is my simple tribute to them and a way I can express my love and gratitude for being a fortunate son of two Mother's.

Mom's smiles can brighten any moment,
Mom's hugs put joy in all our days,
Mom's love will stay with us forever
and touch our lives in precious ways...

The values you've taught,
the care you've given,
and the wonderful love you've shown,
have enriched my life
in more ways than I can count.

I Love you Mum!

Long Life to them for there's no other,
That can take the place of a dear loving Mother.

Here is a couple of clips. The first one is a laugh, and the second one a blatant advertisement for 1800 Flowers. com but I love the clip anyway. I think out of the hundreds of choices I saw on this subject on You Tube, in my quest to find something I felt to be appropriate, they range from inmates expressions to Mum and all the way to cheesy rap songs by 3 year olds, these two give an interesting insight.

Have a wonderful day.

A Post Mother's Day note.....

It was good to share some time with Mum Grace yesterday, and good to catch up. She indicated a couple of instances on my blog that she wasn't happy with what I wrote, I understood her objection. She also just talked about things generally, about her family, about people in my own Peihopa extended family. I also told her about the recent exercise with Aunty Shirley I referred to in a previous article "What the Mind of Love reveals" and she was saddened also. But it was good, Denzel was full after a great lunch together and fell right asleep as we chatted. Typical. It was good. I hope your day was special also. Yes YOU!!!


Anonymous said…
What were the things you wrote in your blog that your mother objected to?
Craig Peihopa said…
For the purposes of her objection and out of respect to her wishes, I will not highlight the reason, again. Sorry.
Anonymous said…
Have you considered taking that a step further? Out of respect for her objection and wishes will you delete the sections of your blog that have caused her grief and offense?
Craig Peihopa said…
I think it fair to say that the sting of what caused her grief has gone. She is Ok now. She was just expressing her thoughts and feelings as I do. She added that she was quite proud that I had the opportunity to express my thoughts clearly on my blog. She added that she envied that. I asked her to start a blog of her own! Who knows, she might!
Anonymous said…
I am a mother too, Craig. If I had a blog, I would never publish anything about any member of my family without asking their permission first, especially if the issue will cause them grief or offense. But too late for that now. Your mother was not given the chance to express her objection or wishes initially. But, She loves you just the same anyway. She is a special woman, a special mother.

A blog of her own? That would be VERY INTERESTING...
Anonymous said…
Craig, from a publishing agency's point of view, do you realize that because of your blog, your autobiography book (if there will be one done later), will not attract as much revenue as your mother's /wife's memoirs of you? Well, these are just my thoughts anyway....
Anonymous said…
I have been following this thread with interest over the last 24 hours and I think there may be several different anonymous personalities commenting on this page.

I wish to say that in my view, the concerns of all of these people are valid. They present solid ethical standards regarding family rights to privacy.

To offord a person their moral right to give their approval before publishing their opinions or details of their private lives, is a basic human respect.

It is a serious breach of trust to disregard that moral right.

Craig Peihopa said…
Anonymous / and V2T - Yes, My Mother having a blog of her own WOULD be very interesting. I would visit there I can assure you. I accept your criticism and point of view. She is a special lady, and someone whom I love, though we have been somewhat estranged over the last few years. We both know why, and are finding common ground and that is good and positive.

As for your publishing agency point of view, I have never pondered on what you raised before, and your insight finds no argument from me. The biggest surprise of all is, that anyone would want to know more about me from another's perspective, Or even more about me from me. What a truly interesting thought. I still think it is way too funny that I would ever be so interesting that people would bother reading it at all.

You must realise that the points you raise and the ones I was sure V2T would be following as well, have no argument from me. Condemn me if you choose, mark me as a person who breaches trust, and in your eyes you may be right. I made a judgement call, and if in your eyes I was wrong, thus will it be.

I don't see that however. I treated the issues she was concerned about with respect and genuine love. She mentioned that her concern arose NOT out of what was said, but who might read it. She was embarrassed. I am sensitive to her feelings.

Perhaps, what I am missing is that you want me to understand how wrong I am for commenting about any subject without getting her approval or anyone else's approval for that matter, and perhaps maybe I should stop commenting on anything at all?

So imagine if the books of history or many biographies were treated with the same elements of editorial rationalisation. Wow. The ramifications could be huge.

Clearly, I am taking this to a stretched and myopic conclusion, but now she has spoken with me about this, and is at peace with what I have done. I am at peace with what I did to address her concerns. So with her being OK, and with me being Ok, what more is to be gained by continuing this thread? Don't get me wrong, I am not even remotely upset or irritated by the thread, I just find it curious, that one line of the post has caused so much interest. and continues to cause me to scratch my head somewhat. Make no mistake I do appreciate your and V2T's comments, but I think it is like trying to explode a bomb after it has gone off, it seems a little like the proverbial spilt milk. But keep posting if you wish. Thank you for taking the time.
Anonymous said…
Respecting our family members and making sure that we don't embarrass them is not editorial rationalisation! Mate, that attitude really rubs me the wrong way, I find it offensive. If I was one of your family members I'd be squirming right now after reading that. I wouldn't feel very safe at all with you. Seems you are not going to let people's feelings get in the way of a good story! If you have set things straight with your Mum that's great. But you did that AFTER you wrote things that hurt her! Mate the horse had already bolted, you let it our of the stable without permission, it wasn't your horse to set free! What else could your Mum do but accept it, it was already out there and everyone had already read it. Poor lady! It doesn't mean that everyone else should hold their tongue because you don't want to talk about it anymore. If there are so many comments about it it's an important message for you.
Craig Peihopa said…
Oh Dear, Anonymous. Rubbing you the wrong way ha! Hillarious. You are becoming offended about a topic which you know little to nothing of, and have formed conclusions on a subject you are clearly not in possession of all the facts on. And YOU find my thoughts offensive!!!! Too Funny. I could add a significant highlight here on the subject which would clarify much, but as I commented previously on May 12, out of respect to Mum I will not highlight the reason she got upset, or the initial reason why I published what I did.

I think you need to have a relaxing drink, and find a peace of nature like a forest or beach somewhere and accept that you have made your point, I graciously accepted it in my last comment, and indicated my view was absurd, and in your eyes you may be right. I had no argument with your comment, or your persistence. As I stated previously, Mum is Ok with it, I am Ok with what I have done and so as far as I am concerned I have exercised care and respect and am comfortable with that. Any other point of view or conclusion you draw concerning how uncomfortable and squirmish any other family member might be is raising more questions about you, than me.

You wouldn't feel safe with me? How curious. It only serves to confirm that you do not know me, in any real way at all. With my family and friends their words, their lives and their confidences are never in question whatsoever, I am fiercely protective of them.

You read one line in a post of many lines and latch on to it as though this is the hidden message of the real Craig, and form the conclusion that I am only interested in spilling my guts to the world and would say and print whatever to get a good story at the expense of anyone else and anything. How funny.

You find the anonymous button and find courage to stand up and be counted and state you are offended, only I am standing here, I stand before you with flaws, many in fact, I am aware of my weaknesses and am occasionally troubled by them but I stand up still, inspite of them. I do not seek to conceal or secret my identity or conceal my thoughts or feelings. They are mine, and I resile not from them. This is my online diary, to which you are still welcome to comment and express your disgust if that is what you still feel.

As I have stated on more occasions than I can recall, I respond to these comments, against the best advice from friends AND family to simply ignore it, but I welcome your comments, believe it or not, but try and recognise that I am not perfect, and I have never sought to suggest that I am. Are you? And let's take the road that you are, if you look at my comment today, a quote no less, there just might be a message for you there also, as well as as there is for me.

Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In my mind, and following the cue of the above quote, had you simply said something similar to this; Craig I am a mother also, and know the love that a Mother has for her children, I would never do anything to hurt them and would be shattered if they did anything to hurt me, please bear that in mind when you comment about your Mother or anyone else you are close to, it will make the world of difference to them and to their relationship, I would have truly been speechless and said as much.

It's all good though, seriously!
Anonymous said…
Hi Craig,

This section has heated up somewhat today. Entertaining to say the least.

I wanted to add some mirth to lighten things up if possible. I have to say that I chuckled when reading your comment:

"You must realize that the points you raise and the ones I was sure V2T would be following as well..."

The thought entered my mind that we are getting to know each other too well in this medium and are now even predicting each other's interests. It amused me and brought a smile to my face.

Craig Peihopa said…
A wonderful note V2T - yes, it still makes me smile also. I will say strongly though, that whoever anonymous is, it hasn't upset me in the slightest, I have appreciated the passion with which they write. I love it! I am passionate about most everything I do otherwise why bother, and I welcome their comments without anger or ill will of any kind.
Anonymous said…
Again...there is that courage of yours that I admire so much Craig!


p.s. I enjoyed all of the comments in this section today, it illustrates yet again that everyone sees things from a different vantage point. It is also true that people can agree to disagree.
Anonymous said…
Growling and not humming in your universe? Just accept for once that you did wrong. No deflection, no rationalisation, learn from it, and make sure it is not repeated again.
Craig Peihopa said…
V2T, thank you...again.


Anonymous - As V2T indicated in the comment directly above yours, "it illustrates yet again that everyone sees things from a different vantage point. It is also true that people can agree to disagree." and may I add, can agree to disagree respectfully. I am not growling, honestly. Please re-read my comments again. I have welcomed them. I don't agree with all that is said however, but I am grateful....even for you.
Anonymous said…
Craig, if you think that you have the right to post anything because this is your blog, think again. If the issues you cover affects only YOU, then that's fine. But it seems to me that you have the tendency to skirt around issues that are personal to others, even reveal information that are seen as personal to some of them. If they want the world to know about those issues, they are capable enough to tell their own version of the story. But don't assume that it is OK for you to do so without letting them know first and asking for their permission. You can claim it is OK with the persons concerned, but is it really OK?

If someone shared a rather "telling and too personal" a story about you or a close encounter of the Craig kind in this blog, for sure you will DELETE it. Why? Because it is not good for the image that you want to paint of yourself. What is not good for you, is not good for others. Simple as that.

Qouting Craig:
"I still think it is way too funny that I would ever be so interesting that people would bother reading it at all."

Then why have an online diary for everyone to see and comment on? Because you want people to read about YOU (though we are still receiving mixed messages every now and then). You also got upset when NO ONE commented in some of your posts. Whoa! We can comment whenever we want to. You gave us that option, didn't you?

The more you insist it doesn't upset you, the more it becomes obvious to us that you are. You can't win all the time, because you are not right all the time. You find some comments funny, or hilarious, but the message you are sending is---you are not laughing at all. Fuming might be a more appropriate way to describe it.

We question some of your opinions because we are seeking balance. You don't know who comes to visit here and read your posts. Some see the flaws and choose to say nothing, others seek further infos for clarification, others just read and believe everything. To these last group, they might think it is OK to say anything about anyone without being held accountable to it. This is YOUR BLOG, true, but it is ONLINE and accessible by anyone. You can write whatever you want if your diary is personal and accessible to yourself ONLY.
Anonymous said…
Well said anonymous.Very well said! There are many of us out here who think the very same thing.
Anonymous said…
Sorry to say it people but you are wasting your breath. Craig won't concede on this, he just won't. Once he digs his heels in that's it! To use one of his favourite sayings, a man only sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest.
Anonymous said…
Here are some quotable quotes for today:

When someone sings his own praises, he always gets the tune too high. ~Mary H. Waldrip

With people of only moderate ability modesty is mere honesty; but with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy. ~Arthur Schopenhauer

None are so empty as those who are full of themselves. ~Benjamin Whichcote
Anonymous said…
Here's my collection to share:

Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening!  ~Author Unknown
What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.  ~Abraham Lincoln
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.  ~Benjamin Franklin

True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.  ~Edward Frederick Halifax
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.  ~Author Unknown

It is always the secure who are humble.  ~Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Anonymous said…
"...a man only sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest."

A perfect formula for disaster, don't you think? For what a man sees is not always what is right or what is best for him. that's why the REST of us exist, that he may see the views other than his. A PANORAMIC VIEW so to speak....
Anonymous said…
are you people for real? I don't know what the agenda is here. I hope Craig doesn't respond to this nonsense. You have already passed judgement and killed the guy, the comments already have been judge and jury and executioner. You people are quick to point the finger of ridicule and humiliation. What I don't see is, him doing that to any of you, which is a shame. I wonder what the rest of you would look like under the same scrutiny from barking dogs. My quote is

"An empty vessel makes the most noise"

and I hear a lot of noise from the pack over this which is empty and pointless.
Anonymous said…
Let's just move on now. This comments section has become too overblown. Everyone has made their point. To keep hammering the point home is overkill.
Anonymous said…
I am a faceless, nameless casual visitor of Craig's blog. And I can not claim any direct affiliation with him or any of his circle of friends. But I come here because I appreciate the variety of entries he posts. I thank him for the time he dedicates to host this blog. And yes,....he is NOT PERFECT.....just like you and me really.

Today, as I browsed through this particular posting, I am shocked and disheartened. I felt like I was transported into the New York Stock Exchange center on the verge of collapse or worse -into a GLADIATOR arena. Too much noise! Too much hurt! STOP IT! ENOUGH!

We can be nameless and faceless in cyberspace, but it doesn't mean we are thoughtless and careless as well. "If there is any one among us who is without sin, let him cast the first stone."

Craig I'm sure heard you all. I hope we have all heard each other, have learnt a valuable lesson in life, move on and do something good in the world today.

And Craig, don't thank me either.

I know the "stoning" hasn't left you lifeless and cold. Rise like a phoenix from the ashes and be the better person that you wanted to be, a person that your family and friends can say " I'm glad I brushed shoulders with him", and for us in cyberspace to say, " I'm glad I brushed cursors with him".


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