Late Breaking news.....

This picture says it all. I am so pleased.
I have just had a phone call from a friend, whose close friend has just given birth to a Down Syndrome child in the last few hours. They have asked if I would be willing to talk with them via phone as they are in a different state, and when the Doctor told them, he just left and they were stunned. They are very successful people apparently and this news has floored them. Hence the request to get me to talk with and help them by offering a balanced view and add some much needed reassurance. All will be well, it's just at a tender time at this point when they have no access to a hospital based counselor, as they do not have one in residence. I will be more than happy to do that this evening. I just thought that in the same minute that I read the article accompanying the above picture on the website and was elated, the news about the despair and sorrow these new parents feel, tempered my joy as I recall how I felt at the birth of my wonderful boy. It has been an interesting journey back to those emotions and I went back in what was virtually a click of my fingers.
I am delivering wedding photos this afternoon and am grateful for a free weekend, well almost free anyway.
I am a very fortunate son.
That doctor literally had no bedside manners with such an important situation. Wow.
Any child from God is a blessing. Continued thoughts and prayers for their little boy.