Images from Sin City USA

I wanted to share some of the images I captured in the fun to visit city of Las Vegas. The images you see here were all taken on my trip to Vegas some 2 years ago. As you can imagine there are hundreds of images I have taken, these are some that stood out and serve as a good summary of the images I saw and captured whilst I was there. Some of the images are of my dear friends families I caught up with there. Hope you like them.

and NO, I did not go to the above show! But I happened by chance to meet the lady in the middle. I was having lunch with my then boss and she walked up, stood in front of our table and I guess expected that we would say sit down and join us. My boss and I looked at her, smiled and said hello, she smiled and said hi, looked at my camera and said that's a big lens! I smiled not knowing who she is or was and later when she walked away, because my boss and I were more interested in eating than chatting, the waiter came and showed us who she was, we mumbled Oh! and kept right on eating! How weird. The contrasts of vegas were stark, and almost surreal, well OK, just, surreal.
Your last paragraph has me laughing out loud. That is hilarious! Yeah, men and their food first, then the women!
Your pictures are fantastic. You made me miss Vegas all over again!