The Naked Cowboy

In the city earlier today calling on some clients I happened to meet the famous New York Busker called The Naked Cowboy. A person who has the desire to become the most celebrated entertainer in the whole world. I wish him well on his journey.
It is great to have a dream and chase it. The street he was walking on early in the morning was cold and the cold can affect us men folk adversely at times, and there he was a guest of Myer, struttin his stuff, playing his guitar and posing for the passers by. I believe he is in Sydney to compliment the Myers New York Promo on at present. Apparently Carson Kressley will be there tomorrow also, from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and NO, I won’t be there. Not because I don’t want to be, but because I have assignments elsewhere. It is interesting. I even caught a glimpse of the State Police Minister off to the side having a bit of a “Captain Cook” (meaning having a look). I like that the Naked Cowboy doesn’t take himself too seriously and it was good to watch the look on everyone else’s face when The Naked Cowboy was walking around, the reaction from both men and women was humorous! Here are some pictures

I have just gotten back from a photo shoot for Domayne, a large retailer here in Sydney that is an upmarket department store, and they had a VIP night with the Editor and manager of Belle Magazine and Gourmet Traveller magazine, and they were showcasing the latest in furnishings and appliances and showing the trends coming out of Milan in the last few months. A very interesting day today!! I love what I do. I will put some Domayne pictures up as an add on to this post when I can.
Okay now: Naked Cowboy. I find him hilarious, he's not naked! Not sure about those tighty! Laughed at the video when he said 'those are for your protection, not mine' in reference to his undies. hahahahahaha
Your captures of him and those people are great. I felt the 'humor' in the air.
Hey whatever makes him happy. If it's fame and ambition he wants, he's on his way.
Hi Ruby, Rather than tack on some fashion type pictures at the end of the Naked Cowboy, I thought I would post them separately instead. I have not been to Milan....yet! I do want to go to Florence and Tuscany as well. Soon perhaps!
The atmosphere was fun, It took the dull out of an otherwise non-eventful morning.