Flyers, appointments and another wedding!
Good to be back in the land of Sydney. I was running late coming back from Tamworth last night and consequently late for an appointment with a wonderful couple in a photographic showing of my wedding images. They were terrific people and I was able to meet with them. I really love this aspect of getting my bookings. Many photographers believe it to be better that clients prospective or otherwise, always go to them. Whilst there are elements of that I can relate to, I believe that attitude from some photographers, is based in arrogance. I really enjoy getting to meet with people in their own environments. I believe that everyone is more relaxed and open in their own homes. They are a great couple and whilst they have a couple of other appointments with other photographers, I felt I connected with them and will wait and see what they decide. I have uploaded another set of wedding images on my wedding blog and am pleased with how they look.
I often have a look at the blog, just to see how many people have visited, and I am pleasantly amazed each time when the number increases, sometimes so much! The Wedding blog was started because to add a single page to my website the designer wanted $1200, I thought why? If I have a blog for weddings, I can add as many pictures as I want and people can log on and find them when I refer the address to prospective internet clients and whatever, I have been humbled by the number of people that have clicked on there since April 1 - today is more than 820. WOW. that is amazing. Thanks to everyone who has clicked there.
This is the latest DL size flyer I have designed to place into reception venues and places to advertise my photography. I like the layout. It is a slightly different look and feel to the Springfield one I also did for them.

I often have a look at the blog, just to see how many people have visited, and I am pleasantly amazed each time when the number increases, sometimes so much! The Wedding blog was started because to add a single page to my website the designer wanted $1200, I thought why? If I have a blog for weddings, I can add as many pictures as I want and people can log on and find them when I refer the address to prospective internet clients and whatever, I have been humbled by the number of people that have clicked on there since April 1 - today is more than 820. WOW. that is amazing. Thanks to everyone who has clicked there.
This is the latest DL size flyer I have designed to place into reception venues and places to advertise my photography. I like the layout. It is a slightly different look and feel to the Springfield one I also did for them.
