Happy Birthday!!!

My not so little Man is 12 today. He is happy and enjoyed having Happy Birthday sung to him a little while ago. Some rice, some chicken, with a drink of Juice and some cake with a candle made him smile. As soon as I poked my head into his room earlier, he was lying down awaking to the day, I said "Denzel, Happy Birthday are you hungry?" and he bounded out of bed and said simply "cake, blow!" (meaning candle) It is a good day!!! I love him to bits!

I saw this building whilst leaving North Sydney yesterday and pulled over and jumped out to photograph it, I love the creative work like this it is really beautiful. I applaud the artist(s) and the council for allowing this to occur. Should be more of it!
A quote. "The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious." Anon
On another note, I saw this quote and believed it so applied to me at this very moment. I won't go into the details specifically, but suffice it to say, it is sweet when you can have a vision of how something can be or become, and you work to bring that about. You don't always plan for, or count on, the opposition that can come, nor from the direction it can orginate from. But inspite of that, you continue to labour and then triumph. The feeling of increased self worth is brought into play and then the strength of what you have seen in vision, and believed in, now becomes visible to those who tried to prevent you from achieving it in the first place.
Have some learned nothing as people? Why is it so much easier for people generally to believe something is worthless or of little consequence much more rapidly that it is for them to ponder and think, hmmm, that is outside the square, lets get behind it and give it a go and see what happens. I am constantly amazed at the belief structures of many people who without thought or feeling, automatically believe an idea, any idea, is not going to work. With thoughts, attitudes and feelings like this even when the idea works, the people never admit they were wrong, not that I look for that to happen, but rather than change their outlook, they then make the criticism personal, and say he is a "boat rocker" and seek for your political demise. These attitudes are not new, I strangely thought somewhere along the line though that people who live in these "enlightened" times of streaming information and greater global consciousness, would have become less parochial and more geared to the thoughts of possibility and increased opportunity. But alas, I live and learn more about my fellow beings each day.
It is still a good day, a VERY good day. I have triumphed over an adversary of their own creation, which tonight could in fact bring them much more benefits than it ever will for me. It is tiring this stuff.

What a sweet photo of the birthday boy.
Hope it is a lovely day for you all!!!