Wanting to be Somebody

I was in the city today, Tuesday, visiting some clients and getting a few things done. I parked in at Wynyard and walked up to Martin Place, thence to Town Hall and then, because I had a lunch appointment back near the Rocks, I caught a train back from Town Hall on Sydney's underground rail network. What a wonderful experience. It has been years since I caught a train. I stood and as you will see I took a couple of pictures of the train arriving on the platform and the underground car parking station. Things we take for granted normally I try not hard not to.

Yes there was far too much graffitti that didn't exude an air of creativity it just exuded trash and abuse, however, I enjoyed the experience all the same. I used to be a commuter many years ago when I worked for Citibank in the Money market operations area, and it used to be an hour and a bit there and back each day. It was a "mugs game". Then when in the summer the air conditioning on the train breaks down and someone who chooses not to wear deoderant would stand next to me for most of the journey. eeeuuuwww! I was filled with a great amount of gratitude for my car as I recalled the down side of train commuting daily. Though the $53 parking fee for for the few hours I was there was a pain in the butt!

My happiest recollections of training was of a man who I always stood near at Wynyard railway station and at central as the doors of the train would open, he would open his arms, as his daughter meeting him from school, would run and jump into his arms. literally. It was at those times when I saw the look in his eyes and the young girl would say "Dad!" in a breathless, I just ran and jumped into your arms kind of way. I wanted a baby girl from that day on. Though unless we adopt, will not happen now. I wasn't thrilled at the news there was a boy in utero when I found out, but I have come to love my boy as much as I love life itself and then some. I think if I had a girl she would hate me as if any guy would approach I would want to give them a hard time.

I saw this portion online from a new book by Mary Ellen Edmunds called MEE Speaks. I know nothing of the author or her book, but I certainly like her message, which essentially says if you want to be A somebody, be THE somebody listed below. Timely advice and a beautiful reminder for me. I will quote this small section of a chapter that I thought appropriate.

"I was thinking that somewhere in this big world this morning, a woman is praying for her mother, who’s now living in an assisted care place and spends so much time alone. She’s praying that SOMEBODY will notice her mother, will touch her, be kind to her, make sure she’s all right.

And somewhere in the world there’s a father whose boy is going to start in the “regular” school class next week after being in special ed for several years. Oh, how he’s hoping that SOMEBODY will reach out to his little boy and build trust and friendship with him.

There’s a daughter somewhere who knows her dad should quit driving, but she hasn’t been able to stop him yet. He’s careful and doesn’t go far from home, but he drives so slowly. And she’s hoping that SOMEBODY will be patient with him as he’s holding on tightly to one of his last sources of independence.

In an apartment building there’s an older woman living alone who doesn’t have any family living nearby, and it’s too cold and snowy for her to go out much. She’s wishing SOMEBODY would stop by to visit with her and perhaps help her with a couple of things she hasn’t been able to do
In a home not too far away there’s a wonderful man caring for his wife who has Alzheimer’s, and it’s almost to the point where he can’t do it alone anymore. He’d love to have SOMEBODY come by and help him make some extremely difficult decisions.

There’s a single mom in the neighborhood who’s feeling completely overwhelmed with trying to put together a wonderful Christmas for her children, not knowing how she’s going to pay for it all along with the many regular bills. She’s desperate for SOMEBODY to help in some way but doesn’t know whom to ask and is not even quite sure what she needs.

Well, I didn’t mean to have quite that many examples, but I hope you get the idea. I want to be SOMEBODY. "

I find that with the happenings of today, and the reflections I have been pondering on of late, it is a gentle reminder for me to place things into some sort of perspective. As stated previously on my blog I am so far from the ideal, or from the person I would like to be, but I am endeavouring to be better tomorrow than I was today. Sometimes I am successful.

Lastly, all the pictures taken today listed above, are taken on a Kodak small compact camera as I am going back on Foxtel TV this week selling cameras for Kodak. So I am familiarising myself with the features and looking at what they can do. You must remember that this camera is selling in a retail store for $299. The photos are great!! for the little unit it is. Today I also went and held in my hands, the next camera I am going to get. It sells for just a few dollars more than the aforementioned one. $10,700 more to be exact. the magnificent 21.2 Mega pixel, dual processor Canon 1DS MK III. I felt like a culmination of Tim the Toolman from Televisions "Home Improvement" and Homer Simpson from the "Simpsons" when they express their complete approval of something. A combination of hoo hoo hoo and Hmmmm! I will show it below. hmmmmmmm. The picture is a press release picture. Not mine.


MattP said…
Craig, if you ever want cheap parking in the City, aim for Cathedral St Car Park. It is underground in front of St Mary's Cathedral, is cheap (cash only) and the little walk to the city centre is healthy.
Craig Peihopa said…
Thanks for the tip Matt!
Tub said…
I'll have 1 of those cameras thanks for asking.
No not the $299 one. the real 1
Tub said…
I'll have 1 of those cameras.
Thanks for asking. No not the $299 one.
Tub said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig Peihopa said…
So that makes 2 cameras, OK Tub. No worries!
The $48,000,000 was won here last night and as I didn't have a ticket, unfortunately I didn't have a win either! But watch this space you never know what happens in big city!

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