
A picture of some of my cousins!

After the trip to New Zealand on the weekend, I have been thinking somewhat on the connection I feel to those of my relatives both those who are living and those who have passed on. I went and visited my grandparents graves and those of my birth parents and some others, and whilst I do not believe their spirits are actually in the respective places of rest, I like to believe they were aware I visited them. I hoped they were grateful they have not been forgotten by me. I am very conscious that life is but a fleeting moment in time, very conscious of this fact. I have a great and growing feeling to my loved ones. I think in Maori it is called Wairua (why-roo-ah- with a rolled R) which, as I understand it, means a feeling or connection.

After only a few days I miss my relatives all of them. Which means simply I have to get my butt into gear and start making some things happen so I can return there more often. WATCH THIS SPACE. It is getting more and more exciting.

Without wanting to sound or be morose, I have been asked a couple of times from European clients to go to a funeral home and photograph their departed loved ones, and found it a very interesting and unique opportunity. The first time it occurred I was invited into the room where the lady lay in the casket, and was introduced to her by the funeral home attendant, who stepped backwards and closed the door. It was an unusual experience. Within a couple of minutes with just her and I in the room, I felt very calm and felt I was doing a service for her that could not be done herself. The first thought that came to my mind was, "Hmm I can't ask her to smile!" I know the family was grateful for the images I captured of her, but so was I. I love the different experiences I am fortunate to be a part of. I love my life.

Short one today.

Have a look at my new Wedding blog which you can access by going to the second link in the links section under the world map on the sidebar. It is going to be a place where just the weddings are highlighted. This will still be the main thoughts, feelings and musings blog. But I will be having blogs for all the aspects of my photography so wedding people can go and see wedding associated material without having the need to read what I think or feel! Similarly there will be one for my portraits, events etc.....in time!

Have a great day everyone.


Ruby Rideout said…
Craig, your posts are always interesting to read. Everything is always expressed so genuinely.

I laughed at the part where you couldn't ask the lady in the casket to smile. Sorry but it WAS funny. :)
But you're right, you are doing the family an important and special deed. I'm sure it means the world to them.
Craig Peihopa said…
I put the comment there Ruby, because even I thought it was funny!. Thanks for your kind comments.

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