Mum update

Just thought I would update everyone on how Mum Grace is. She has had what we think is her first and final round of radiation therapy. It is interesting that as the treatment unfolded, because she became radioactive she was not allowed to be exposed to many people, and certainly not for long. You had to stand 2 metres away and could only visit with her for 10 mins at a time. We didn't want to "expose" Denzel to the radioactive Nan! Overall though she is out of hospital and recovering at home. She is a little tired but in good spirits. Which is good.


Anonymous said…
Good to hear that your Mum is in good spirits. Hopefully she will recover well from the nuclear medicine treatment.

When you first posted about your Mum's worrying health you expressed some regrets.

You were concerned about the deterioriation of your relationship with your Mum and you felt that you had been 'neglecting' her.

You felt that her health status was a wake up call of sorts to give you the opportunity to make things right.

I have been wondering what you have been doing to remedy your concerns regarding the relationship.

What do you do differently now?
Do you see your Mum more frequently?
Have you resolved the concerns regarding the falling out the two of you had?

Craig Peihopa said…
Thanks for the comment.

I have been able to address some of the issues with Mum that I felt were a problem. I have found also in that process, that everyone comes from a different place of understanding. No-one is wrong, everyone is just different. The remedy I chose was just to sit and talk. It has been interesting to see how she was raised and the expectations she has, and the life that has flowed as a result. I see Mum a little more frequently, I think I appreciate her a little more and recognise the value she has. HAve I resolved the concerns? Yes, perhaps more an acceptance of our differences without distance or unhappiness. What I did find from the whole experience is that my sister Kayleena & I became so very close through the experience. WHat a wonderful blessing that has been.
Anonymous said…


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