A Few of My Favourite things

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things.

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,
door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
these are a few of my favorite things.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
silver white winters that melt into springs,
these are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites, when the bee stings,
when I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't feel so bad.

as an aside, I am a fan of the Sound of Music, and have been for many years. I am perhaps not the most die hard one around, though. I do say that I one day want to dance around the fountain in Salzburg, Austria where the movie Von Trap family danced around!

That said, I want to focus the reason why these lyrics appear at the introduction of this post. It is 12:50 am as I stare at the clock, that is in the morning! I have just come back from a big wedding today which kept me out from 9:30am until about a half hour ago. I dropped my heavy bags, emptied the car and the the days clothes into the laundry basket and stepped into a beautiful lingering hot shower. Hmmmm how do I adequately convey the rejuvenating and therapeutic feeling it was to clean the impurities of a long day working hard from my person, as the warm to hot water ran through my hair, face and body. I couldn't help but feel these words of a few of My favourite things pop into my head, and thinking that high on the list of feel good feelings would be peace, contentment, soaking in a nice hot bath or shower. A good back scratch, catching up with friends and a good sleep is factoring in about now as well. No pictures in this post today, I just wanted to write, because of the photo jobs I have had in the last couple of days and note that it has been demanding. Got home at 1:30am on friday night/ Saturday morning for a major photo job and will go to bed late / early yet again. My body is telling me it is time to rest and so I shall, I wanted to acknowledge the importance of dear and special friends who have both contributed on this blog and even for those who don't. I feel very tired and very grateful. It is now 1:17am and I am drifting off to sleep on my computer but have now transferred all the images taken today to the computer...whew, there are heaps. Will post pictures and more details when I have had some rest. Sorry if there are spelling errors, the brain is into the let me sleep now space, and I feel it wise to oblige. more later..

Good night all.


Anonymous said…
Rest well Craig.

Anonymous said…
First of all, Thank You V2T! You have voiced out what some of us have been wanting to say but don't have the technical know how on presenting our cases.

And may I add that I am not a friend of nor know V2T personally. I am just one of the few in my little circle of friends that have visited Craig's blog over time (in fact, since its initial launch) and on occassions would post comments.

Quoting V2T:
1)"If you have a blog site with an anonymous comment option, the comments will come Craig. Probably with more honesty, objectivity and controversary than identified personas. 

The question is, do you want honesty Craig? If it is not comfortable for you then it is within your power to change the set up of your comments section. You are the one with the power to do so."

2)"You are sending confusing and conflicting message to your visitors and readers. You have openly courted responses of all types, calling yourself an open book on many occasions, yet if the responses “rattle your cage” you do not like it. A post that may run contrary to your opinion is not a sign of enmity Craig."

A few comments were published here that were deleted. We/I know because we posted them. The comments were not naming names or using foul language, not even political in nature! And yet somehow, after a few hours, they magically disappeared without any response or explanation from yourself. Why? Did you feel the comments will paint some darkish/unsavory splashes in your reputation canvas? Are you REALLY an open book, Craig? Or, do you just want the readers to read the good chapters only or view the Masterpiece that only shows the edited dazzling strokes of your choice.
It's true, this is your blog and you can say and do whatever you want. But you invited us to come and comment. You used to say in one of your posts , "...if you don't like the show on TV, change the channel or turn the TV off!" Personally, I feel you're telling me: "if you don't like my entry, don't post any comment on the contrary!!!"
Quoting Craig:
"No-one ever comments about the gratitude I feel for things, for people, or the connection I feel to people and to life."

That hurts, because I/we have been generous in our praises for your photos and your zest for life! I chose to sign as "Anonymous" because one time you were almost desperate to try and find out V2T's real identity. Why? So you can take the fight on a more personal level? You still have a lot to learn about human relations, Craig. We all do. A photo taken from your lense's point of view, isn't always the best. As your point of view isn't always right.
Your canvas will look more interesting if there are big splashes of contrasting colors, some of which I and the rest of so called "detractors" have contributed. Don't delete or paint over them.

Good luck, Craig;-)
Anonymous said…
Dear Anonymous,

I really enjoyed the analogy you have used with the canvas: the options of retouching and painting over it or allowing the evolving portrait to be a true representation that includes the contrasting colours.

You have described human nature very well and with a beautiful visual.

Anonymous said…
In addition anonymous, I appreciate your comments on another level...

I wondered if my challenging views in the comments section of Craig's previous blog post were simply my own, or whether they represented the views of other readers.

I appreciate knowing that others see the same things but have not known how to voice their opinions.

It is interesting that you and your circle of friends have been monitoring Craig's blog from the start, as I have. You have obviously witnessed the things I have spoken of, and had your own experiences of 'editing' and ‘retouching’ with Craig.

When there is more than one voice on a matter, it makes it less likely for the lone opinion to be dismissed as an 'outlier.'

Thank you…V2T
Anonymous said…
"Deleting" to be exact, V2T.
Let me continue:
"Photos can be retouched to hide the imperfections and if retouching still doesn't achieve the desired end result, delete them! Take new photos. Take lots and lots of photos." A wise counsel on photography given to me.

Does this apply to people and human relationships in general? What happened to freedom of expression , the freedom to express my opinions or share my experiences? You obviously have yours, Craig, hence this Blog. But what about the opinions/comments that you openly solicited right from the start that were deleted? Clipped my wings so to speak. Hmnnn... I can go on and on and on. "WHATEVER" Craig!

Ooopppsss, I forgot....this is YOUR blog. You can do what you want. I am not saying you win. I'm meaning to say---THAT'S OKAY!!!

Loved the Communication Tips post.

How about this for a tip:
Human relationships leave indelible memories(good or bad), sometimes with photos for attestations, most times in the minds/hearts of people with whom the events were experienced. Deleting the photos in those cases will not delete or conceal the "deed" indeed.

Photos may be of people, but PEOPLE are not photos.

That's all I want to say today. Glad to be amongst the 2000+ visitors once again.;-)

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