A completed advertisement I created

A short post today, I wanted to share a design and photography layout I did for a function centre in the Hills District of Sydney called Springfield House. I was quite pleased with the result, though where the green colour appears, I wanted a softer pastel blue which I thought was much more visually appealing, but the client is always right!. A simple business philosophy that I always maintain. It is the hard thing about doing what I do. I can always submit what I think looks or "feels" better, but the paying client is the final arbiter. A saying I heard once that I have never forgotten is;

"Customers make pay days possible for all of us!" and thus it is.

The advertisement is published in the Sydney Wedding and Complete Weddings magazines.



Anonymous said…
Love the advertisement - very, very classy Craig!!

Craig Peihopa said…
many thanks. I am proud of it.
Anonymous said…
I was unsure where to place this post Craig.
It certainly doesn't relate to this blog entry, but I did not know where else to put it.

You have been paraphrased in an very odd manner at the following blogsite:


Your comments have been scrambled and thrown back together again in the middle part of the very abstract page.

A random piece of work!

Craig Peihopa said…
Thanks for that V2T - I tried copying and pasting the link and i kept getting a messge indicating I cannot connect at all. But perhaps that's good. I suspect if it is a hodge podge work or misquoting of mine, I would only get upset, and I am way too tired for that presently, but I will try later.

Thank you very much.

Anonymous said…
Not my intention to upset you Craig.
Have a good night's sleep.

Craig Peihopa said…
Honestly V2T - am not upset. I was referring to my internet connection failing to connect, and being too tired to get upset if I logged on and found the reference misrepresenting of what I said or what. am NOT UPSET with you or your post!
Craig Peihopa said…
T2V I have found this link to the bizarre website you alerted me to. It is strange, I think it is a sample coding blog or from a person who is trying to string different sentences together to look for meaning. Who knows it may even be code for a secret message? Either way, I thank you for bringing it to my attention. I appreciate you very much. Hope you know that!
Craig Peihopa said…
T2V I have found this link to the bizarre website you alerted me to. It is strange, I think it is a sample coding blog or from a person who is trying to string different sentences together to look for meaning. Who knows it may even be code for a secret message? Either way, I thank you for bringing it to my attention. I appreciate you very much. Hope you know that!

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