A kiss for luck, and we're on our way......

"Many things in life will catch your eye but few will catch your heart... Pursue those." - Helen Keller
"Happiness is not found at the end of the road, it is experienced along the way. So take not for granted each moment of your life and you will find a reason to be happy each day. Don't worry so much about tomorrow that you forget to live today."
- Author Unknown -
"Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat."
- Theodore Roosevelt
Just a couple of quotes this morning together with a picture of my birth family. I removed their birth dates, which I am confident they will all appreciate, I made this picture which is a culmination of several at our reunion where I was invited and welcomed "back" to the family. It was a very emotional time for me having lived my life being adopted. I will talk more on this subject in a future post. If you want a closer look, I think you can click on the image and it will become a little larger and easier to see and read. Yes, I was born Craig Stephens and adopted into the Peihopa clan. I am the youngest living child. There are two siblings Mary and Aaron who are not in this picture because they both died at a young age, no pictures exist of them that can be found. One of them has a unique story I will share soon.
I am so grateful for a cooler day today. I have a busy day lined up and an exciting evening to follow, but more on that tomorrow. Have a wonderful day everyone.

Did you always know that you were adopted?
Who gave you the name Craig - your birth mother or your adopted mother?
Was there a particular reason that your birth mother adopted you out?
Were other members of your birth family adopted out also?
Are your birth mother and adopted mother related?
Was the adoption a private arrangement between your two mothers, or were you placed into the 'system'?
In an earlier post, you mention that your adopted mother raised you and a sister. Was your sister also adopted by your adopted mother or was she her birth mother?
Was she (your sister) your literal birth sister from the Stevens family?
Was she (your sister) adopted from an entirely different family?
Does your adopted mother have any birth children?
What year did you reunite with your birth family?
How did the reunion come about?
Thanks for asking.
You have talked about your adoption from time to time in your entries. It obviously is a defining part of who you are.
You also mentioned in this entry that you intended to write some more about it. That started me thinking...hence the questions.
Adoption is a complicated thing. It can cause emotional turmoil for the adoptee. For some it simply is not an issue.
Some people have a burning desire to find out where they came from and who their 'people' are. Others do not have that angst.
Then there is the dimension of the birth mother and adopted parents. There can be emotional turbulence for the parents when someone decides to locate their birth family. Sometimes it can be very painful for the mothers. In other cases it is not so.
After the reunion with the birth family, it can be quite a juggle for the adopted person to now have two families.
Occasionally the adopted parents can feel rebuffed and saddened that they have somehow 'lost' their child.
Sometimes the other siblings in the birth family can resent the newcomer, especially if they did not know about them previously.
Adoption, and all of its perspectives, can be a very a rich journey in human emotion.