Musings on a balmy January evening

This evening I had my nephew Aaron and his girlfriend Amanda visit from Queensland for a few days. So I did the tourist thing and drove them around the city and showed them some of the sights from the Matrix films. I showed them the best harbour city I have ever seen and then some of the world's best stores like Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Cartier and others and I was gob smacked when Amanda said simply, "all I want to see is Supre!" "Supre?" I asked incredulously? "yep". "Don't they have that in Queensland?" I stammered? "yep, but it's bigger here in Sydney". Go figure! I stood corrected. Oh well so much for that. Ultimately even Supre lovers are amply catered for by their 3-4 floor store in the old Gowings building on the corner of Market and George streets in Sydney.
I also was able to see a beautiful store I wanted and wished to be able to afford something from, and that is in the Nelson Mandela Gallery store in the Darling Harbour shopping complex. I was amazed. These are hand drawn, framed pieces of art signed by the man himself. I wish! Alas however, it was closed, and I couldn't see any prices which is a sign in itself. I have not coveted something so much in a very long time. This man who has walked so large and so gracefully on the world stage, a statesman and a gentle man had original, hand signed artwork here and I so want one...but scarce think I can afford it. He even had a black painted hand print on display framed with his autograph and it was stunning. Hmmm I have to work harder me thinks. I would love one of those pieces on my wall for posterity sake and to think that a little something of this great man could be preserved in my home! Very nice moment to watch, admire and try and figure out how on earth I could afford one of those rare antiquities.

Lastly, tonight, I just wanted to add my sadness of late at the growing incidences of ingratitude I see around me. I am constantly seeing so many people ignore and reject the very basic elements of civility and courtesy which I believe fundamental building blocks in all forms of human relations. Nobody says please anymore, and it would seem very few say thank you. I won't dwell on the growing incidences I find or comment specifically on the actual examples I have encountered recently, but it saddens me. It would seem that in line with this, that the most expensive currency in the world at present is "common sense" which is itself an oxymoron, because clearly it is not common. Well I might be to include common courtesy as well. Not that I believe in a dire prediction, but ever since I saw a Mad max film back in the late 70's early 80's and all futuristic films I have seen since all paint a very dark and dismal future for mankind, and for humanity generally - if that vision is correct we have started on the journey with gusto. I do hold many little shreds of hope that we as a world community of people, can understand that there are many more things that unite us than divide us. Then with that knowledge be more respectful and appreciative of the people who really can enrich our life experience.
Live long and prosper!
You see them because you specifically look and wait for these moments to happen so you can photograph them and show them later. We are not so fortunate as you are, being blessed with cameras at all times, but yes, we also marvel at the beauty we see in the skies. So that makes us on same par as you i suppose.