first light
Happy New Year everyone.
After watching the fireworks last night, I caught a couple of hours sleep and then at 3:45am arose and went to Long Reef located on the mid northern beaches of Sydney and wanted to watch the dawning of a new day and a new year. I wasn't disappointed. Whilst there is no doubt the fireworks are spectacular, for me the beauty and majesty of natures early light of dawn is just wonderful. I saw the very first light and was in awe of it. There was even fog, and mist around which certainly obscured the full majesty of the light, but it filled me with a lot of respect and appreciation for the planet we live in.

As I watched the light arise, I felt a vein of sadness for a brief but real moment, but then felt an overwhelming feeling of hope, excitement and pleasure for the unfolding day and year ahead. Then we went to McDonalds as it was the only thing open at 6am for some breakfast. After which we traveled to the car park at Taronga Zoo and as the zoo didn't open until 9am we had two hours to wait and therefore sleep became an easy thing to do. After we awoke, we went in to the zoo and got to appreciate more of the animal diversity in the world. The lions, tigers and other big cats were all asleep, sadly, but I will return again soon to capture more of them. I was able to capture a few other animals which I was proud of and thought I would show them here for you.

As I write this now, I am still so very tired, but happy for the way the day and year started I couldn't help but feel that we are all part of something very special to live in this country, whilst the places I have traveled to around the world I love for the most part, today I would not have wanted to be anywhere else but right here.
Have a good year, I know I will!
After watching the fireworks last night, I caught a couple of hours sleep and then at 3:45am arose and went to Long Reef located on the mid northern beaches of Sydney and wanted to watch the dawning of a new day and a new year. I wasn't disappointed. Whilst there is no doubt the fireworks are spectacular, for me the beauty and majesty of natures early light of dawn is just wonderful. I saw the very first light and was in awe of it. There was even fog, and mist around which certainly obscured the full majesty of the light, but it filled me with a lot of respect and appreciation for the planet we live in.

As I watched the light arise, I felt a vein of sadness for a brief but real moment, but then felt an overwhelming feeling of hope, excitement and pleasure for the unfolding day and year ahead. Then we went to McDonalds as it was the only thing open at 6am for some breakfast. After which we traveled to the car park at Taronga Zoo and as the zoo didn't open until 9am we had two hours to wait and therefore sleep became an easy thing to do. After we awoke, we went in to the zoo and got to appreciate more of the animal diversity in the world. The lions, tigers and other big cats were all asleep, sadly, but I will return again soon to capture more of them. I was able to capture a few other animals which I was proud of and thought I would show them here for you.

As I write this now, I am still so very tired, but happy for the way the day and year started I couldn't help but feel that we are all part of something very special to live in this country, whilst the places I have traveled to around the world I love for the most part, today I would not have wanted to be anywhere else but right here.
Have a good year, I know I will!
The faces and the eyes of those creatures indeed paint a thousand words!
Thank you once more for sharing your photos and yourself to us. You are a special soul, Craig.
Where most of us chose to sleep in and let the first day of the new year go by unnoticed, you went out there and communed with Nature and the Heavens (if I may say this.) Indeed, Nature puts on its best show when most of the people are asleep. So thank you for capturing the "first light", and making those fleeting seconds stop for the rest of us to see it even if only as a replay.
Fogs and mists do add their own touch and value to the overall beauty of the scenery. Even when they are thickest, yet, we know that they too shall be there but for a moment. Life too, has its own fogs and mists, faults and flaws. But if endured well, your character grows better and stronger.
Thank you for the photos and thoughts you've shared in this your blog. May you continue to inspire the rest of us in the coming months. That is living powerfully! You're on track!!!
Happy New Year, Craig. More power to you.
Good to know I'm now one of the many...and not just your biggest fan.
More power to you, Craig! When I grow up I want to be like you. Do you give photography lessons?