Yesterday watching a Tongan Tau'olunga

Yesterday, after transferring files and creating more hard drive space I went to photograph a wedding. It was a Tongan wedding. I am a Maori, from New Zealand, and am fully aware of other polynesian cultures and their practices. One thing I love about Island weddings is their dances - though I enjoy most dancers at weddings! The belly dancers at Tristan & Jrisi's wedding a couple of weeks ago was tremendous also!.
For those of you who aren't as aware of these dances or what happens when people dance at an island wedding, relatives bring in painted Tapa Cloths - which can cost hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars, quilts and then cover the dancers in baby oil and plaster cash to the arms, shoulders and sometimes chest, NOT breast, of the dancer. Once you pin or place money on the dancer it is almost accepted a practice that you then fall in behind the dancer and dance yourself. It is a simple and wonderful demonstration and a lovely expression. Whilst I saw a couple of young adults pretending how "uncool" it was to participate, the clear majority including myself was happy to be a participant.

I love the simple moves and the confidence these dancers have, it is graceful. All the gifts bought in and presented at the time of whomever dances are given to the bride and groom. They can expect at least two dances, one from each side of the family representing his and her sides of the family. Often, the women dancing are a little larger than societies averages would submit, but the one thing I note each time, is the joy and communal respect accorded the dancers is complete. It is a wonderful thing that in an age when many people are consumed with being skinny or having the perfect figure, people who are simply who they are, are embraced and promoted. It could have something to do with polynesians generally though, but there are a high proportion of people in these races they are naturally larger. Life when you are from the islands is not fast paced or rigorous and the life is good, and therefore food is in plentiful supply. Yesterday's wedding was no exception.
I thought I would share this background so you can see the pictures above, and the You Tube sample below to get a feel and have an understanding of what it is like. The shiny arms on the dancer is the baby oil, and remember the strips of paper are in fact cash!!! all for the bride and groom! I enjoy watching this occur whenever I attend an island style or culture wedding. The You Tube sample is almost identical to what normally happens, though yesterday did not have the large number of musicians it did have all the other elements you can see.
Come to think of it, I love most of the cultures wedding dances I have ever seen. I did a South American wedding one time and the Argentinian musicians and dancers were nothing short of spectacular. I guess it would be fair to say that Dance is a wonderful form of expression all round! I am a lover of dance - I was told I couldn't dance once, but was then told at "least I had Rhythm"! thank heaven for small mercies I guess.