Solid State Hard Drives

Until last week, I thought I understood hard drives for computers, 7200rpm, 10,000rpm etc. I accept that in Windows computers it takes a few minutes to boot up a laptop computer, and in Mac whilst it was incredibly faster, it still took a while. I have just bought a new laptop and when buying it, I was asked would I like a solid state hard drive or not, and without wanting to show my lack of knowledge in this area, but wanting to be frank, I blurted out what the hell is that and why is the hard drive $1600!!
What a learning curve I have been on in the last week. I didnt choose the SSD (Solid State Drive) option, though when the prices come down, I will get one. It is always the case that when a technology is new, it is always more expensive.
The first 8GB compact flash card I ever bought cost $799 and today costs about $40. But WOW the SSD is fast and has no moving parts.
Have a look at the comparison video with a standard Hard drive and an SSD below. AMAZING!! Well, it is as far as computers go.