Lets partay like it's 2011!
The approaching new year of 2011 is 36 hours away now and over the last few weeks I have been pondering somewhat on what I want out of this next year, and the possibilities that already exist for me, and the wonderful serendipitous opportunities that I never know before hand that always appear.
Through this reflection I have pondered on previous years at the same time period and tried to recall what I felt then and compare it to what I feel now.
I think that at no other time in my life have I been so poised to "seize the day" as I am at present. That is VERY big for me. I said to Marcelina the other day, I think I have waited my whole life for this time, and that is just how it feels. I feel very positive, I feel very relaxed and quite calm.
I am not a person who follows horoscopes and mysticism really, though I do have very strong spiritual connections I feel to my ancestors and to people generally and to my creator. But when Denzel and I were having breakfast yesterday I happened to glance at the Horoscopes and saw this, which I photographed. I will take good news from any direction in which it comes!

I have also been uniquely given an insight to what others think about my present and future, and have been humbled and grateful of what they feel and indicate. I pray that it all may be so.
There was a piece on a blog I read today that said If I had my life to live over and it went through a series of changes the writer would make if they only had the chance to do that. I found it more an ode to someone who had no longer that opportunity.
Rather than paste it here, which I would feel a little sad about, because as said earlier, I have waited my whole life for this time, I want nothing in memorium to what I could have done or what I would do, I wanted to re-arrange it to show you and myself what I WILL be doing this year.
I place this here NOT as a New years resolution, but a blue print to help me ensure that this year I get the results I wanted. When I cut the crap aside, I have always accomplished more in a day when at the start of it I laid a small plan on paper and then ticked off each box. Time passes and one forgets the empowerment it gives when you accomplish the things you know you have to, and the defeated feelings when not planning you do two things and feel overwhelmed because there is so much playing in the back of your mind that you know needs to be done, and hasn't been.
Hence why I wrote my years blue print, BEFORE the New year. It has been percolating for the last couple of weeks and is now ready.
Craig's creed for this next year is up!
I will not take myself so seriously that I beat myself up if I make mistakes. It's OK
I know of very few things that I will take too seriously, and put an end to the imaginary troubles that I cultivate mentally that never actually happen.
Dont listen or foster comments , thoughts or feelings against people that may injure or hurt them
I will relax more.
I will have more energy
Walk everyday, read something spiritual and something new every day.
I will climb more mountains and swim more rivers.
Travel more, experience more, LIVE more.
Pay less attention to people telling me what I have to do, and be more sensitive to the nature of what I should be doing
Look for ways to make a difference
Do a random act of kindness everyday.
Seek out more people who encourage and inspire and be inspired
Breathe in nature a little more
Dare to dream big dreams.
Dare to believe they can happen, and then have faith to actually make them happen.
Have more faith in myself.
In closing, Sir Bob Geldof said the other day in Sydney, "Bono (from U2) wants to give the world a great big hug and I want to punch it's lights out!"
I share this simply in the vein that no matter what happens to us the outcome of what we see though the same, may be viewed very differently.
I hope this next year will be for each of you something worth your energy, and will be something YOU look back on and say, what a fantastic year it was. The truth of the matter is simply, that the day, week, month, year will be whatever you want it to be. Irrespective of what occurs around us.
I wish you all peace, happiness and love........
Through this reflection I have pondered on previous years at the same time period and tried to recall what I felt then and compare it to what I feel now.
I think that at no other time in my life have I been so poised to "seize the day" as I am at present. That is VERY big for me. I said to Marcelina the other day, I think I have waited my whole life for this time, and that is just how it feels. I feel very positive, I feel very relaxed and quite calm.
I am not a person who follows horoscopes and mysticism really, though I do have very strong spiritual connections I feel to my ancestors and to people generally and to my creator. But when Denzel and I were having breakfast yesterday I happened to glance at the Horoscopes and saw this, which I photographed. I will take good news from any direction in which it comes!

I have also been uniquely given an insight to what others think about my present and future, and have been humbled and grateful of what they feel and indicate. I pray that it all may be so.
There was a piece on a blog I read today that said If I had my life to live over and it went through a series of changes the writer would make if they only had the chance to do that. I found it more an ode to someone who had no longer that opportunity.
Rather than paste it here, which I would feel a little sad about, because as said earlier, I have waited my whole life for this time, I want nothing in memorium to what I could have done or what I would do, I wanted to re-arrange it to show you and myself what I WILL be doing this year.
I place this here NOT as a New years resolution, but a blue print to help me ensure that this year I get the results I wanted. When I cut the crap aside, I have always accomplished more in a day when at the start of it I laid a small plan on paper and then ticked off each box. Time passes and one forgets the empowerment it gives when you accomplish the things you know you have to, and the defeated feelings when not planning you do two things and feel overwhelmed because there is so much playing in the back of your mind that you know needs to be done, and hasn't been.
Hence why I wrote my years blue print, BEFORE the New year. It has been percolating for the last couple of weeks and is now ready.
Craig's creed for this next year is up!
I will not take myself so seriously that I beat myself up if I make mistakes. It's OK
I know of very few things that I will take too seriously, and put an end to the imaginary troubles that I cultivate mentally that never actually happen.
Dont listen or foster comments , thoughts or feelings against people that may injure or hurt them
I will relax more.
I will have more energy
Walk everyday, read something spiritual and something new every day.
I will climb more mountains and swim more rivers.
Travel more, experience more, LIVE more.
Pay less attention to people telling me what I have to do, and be more sensitive to the nature of what I should be doing
Look for ways to make a difference
Do a random act of kindness everyday.
Seek out more people who encourage and inspire and be inspired
Breathe in nature a little more
Dare to dream big dreams.
Dare to believe they can happen, and then have faith to actually make them happen.
Have more faith in myself.
In closing, Sir Bob Geldof said the other day in Sydney, "Bono (from U2) wants to give the world a great big hug and I want to punch it's lights out!"
I share this simply in the vein that no matter what happens to us the outcome of what we see though the same, may be viewed very differently.
I hope this next year will be for each of you something worth your energy, and will be something YOU look back on and say, what a fantastic year it was. The truth of the matter is simply, that the day, week, month, year will be whatever you want it to be. Irrespective of what occurs around us.
I wish you all peace, happiness and love........
And I love your plan of having a little more faith in yourself. A plan I need to make and do for myself as well.
Love and hugs to you and your family, Craig. Wishing you all a fabulous new year.