Oprah Show at the Opera House Dec 14 #1

Well after being rather exhausted from the days events, I sit now and type out a few thoughts on what has been and will , I believe, become one of the most seminal advertising moments for this country EVER!
What I can say is, that inspite of a couple of confusing moments with crowd control at the end, it was a brilliantly executed event. I facebooked a post earlier in the day when I believed there were 3,000 OTHER people there, I was wrong, there were 6,754 people, including crew, catering, lighting, 302 traveling Ultimate viewers from the USA who won the trip and 6,000 audience members. Phenomenal.
Oprah indicated that there were over 350,000 people who had applied to get tickets to the show, and only 12,000 tickets were issued. Most of those which were put out to a world wide ballot. People flew from Jamaica, Canada, USA, Europe, New Zealand and all the states of Australia, JUST to see this enigmatic woman and be a part of the buzz and vibe that IS OPRAH.
I cannot claim to have watched her religiously, I cannot claim to have hugged her, touched her or been photographed with her, but somehow for me to see her and listen to her after the cameras stopped rolling as she spoke candidly with the audience, was both inspiring and humbling.
A woman who has experienced and lived the highs and the lows that life can offer, She has certainly found a way to touch the lives of many, and has herself said on many occasions that life is always better when you share, and her years of sharing have blessed the lives of thousands. Her gift giving is legendary from cars, jewellery, clothing, trips and you name it, she has done it.
Oprah indicated that when her show closes on May 25, 2011 she will have no regrets as she feels that she has done all she and her team at Harpo could, to make it the best they could have. I loved the way she weaved such simple philosophy and care into her address off camera.
With no reference to this woman's philanthropy or personal wealth, I make the statement boldy, that she is not just a woman of substance, but a person of substance, and a person of the world. I am honoured to have been able to witness and sit at the feet of this beautiful soul.
Marcelina and I were there as guests at the courtesy and generosity of the amazing team at the Children's Medical Research Institute (CMRI). I am I guess their photographer at many events and I do it without recompense or payment, I have also become one of their many stable of artists who donate their work and painting for the annual fund raising. I must admit I felt very awkward when they invited Marcelina and I to go to Oprah, because i feel there are soooo many OTHER people who deserve it more than I. Also, when I do work for the 3 charities that I am involved with i do it because I want to give something to them. Almost like a pay it forward. Only I do it to feel good, NOT to get anything in return. That said, i am and we are VERY grateful.
Oprah also gave away a special commemorative necklace for the event. I thought it was worth about $50, only to be dumbfounded that it s worth $450 EACH, and all 6000 people get one FREE. Marcelina is happy for hers, and I gave my necklace to a most deserving woman, my Mother Grace.
WOW, what a day, and from what footage I have seen on the news tonight the second show was staggering as well. Thank you CMRI, Thank you to Marcelina and Mum who was a fantastic baby sitter, EVEN though while she was here her home was broken into, and a VERY Big thank you to OPRAH, not just for the commemorative necklace, but also for being the person she is.
She has helped me appreciate much this day, I never would have guessed this would be the outcome, but it is.
It is a day I will not forget in a hurry, we were up at 4am and lining up in the city at 5am. We even dined and spent time at team Oprah headquarters at the amazing Hotel Intercontinental, whose service, ambiance and courtesy is second to none.
No cameras were allowed during the show, but I took a couple of iphone 4 pictures for your interest.

If you want to see the gifts Oprah gave away in the first show click HERE the combined giveaway today was worth $2.7million - AMAZING.
These following pictures were taken by the SMH, see the link below.
