I had just finished uploading the pictures from a very hectic and wonderful series of concerts to the blog and facebook when a knock at the door delivered a box addressed to Sir Denzel from some very dear and special friends in Idaho in the US of A and this is what was inside. It had been opened, and there was a note from Australian customs and quarantine suggesting they were just doing a check on the contents - which is totally good that they do.
BUT a HUGE thank you to our special friends, and I promise you there will be one very happy young man this afternoon when the bus drops him off!
Thank you Tammy, Emily, Monty, Katie and Kayla, your thoughtfulness and extra care is much appreciated and warmly and lovingly received.
We know he loved the Goldfish last time we sent them, so we hope he will love the variety this time too. There are still several types that we haven't bought yet, so we will put those in the next box down the road.
Watch out for the pop rocks, LOL! ;)
And the bath stuff is for your sweetie and the truffles are for you, Craig. Well, and anyone else you might like to share them with, lol.
Have a great day, and we are so happy that it will make your son's day.
Thanks again
So do you guys have "Goldfish" in Australia? We kind of thought not, which is why we sent them last time...we thought Denzel would enjoy them.
I have to tell you, though, once we knew Denzel liked them, we knew we wanted to send more. So when Emily and I went shopping, we stood in front of the Goldfish at the store and were shocked. We had NO CLUE there were so many varieties! Picture the two of us standing there in the aisle stuffing packages of goldfish into the box to see how many we could fit in and then trying to decide which to choose! ;)
Thanks again Tammy