Brewsters at Notes, in Newtown

A few days ago I went to photograph a small concert of the Brewster brothers at Notes, a great little venue in Newtown, in Sydney's inner west. It is a charming venue with a beautiful menu and cuisine.
I have seen the Brewster Brothers now many times and still do not get sick of the music, I honestly love the laid back feel and vibe to it and then photographically I am constantly looking for an image that I don't have. I am looking for something new every time. Can I see this differently, could I find a pose or action that I have been oblivious to before? I challenge myself and my way of seeing almost everytime I pick up the camera. I am searching for mastery over myself and my own pre-conceived poses and shots. I never see the same thing twice, even if the elements of venue or artist don't change.
One of the good things at the concert was Johns sons Tom on drums, Sam on Bass and Harry on acoustic guitar joined in for some of the songs. So it was two generations of Brewster Brothers a wonderful evening for all who attended.
As you can see, the venue was dark, but the wonderful D3 Nikon camera performed like a charm. I was trying out an 80-200mm non VR lens, and was trying out the Sigma 70-200mm 2.8 HSM DG lens and really liked it. It perfoms extremely well in well lit situations and did very well in this low light situation as well, excepting that occasionally I had to support myself so as not to blur the images. VR on a lens is invaluable. But in all other areas that i tested this lens I loved it. The price is a fraction of the cost of a stabilised lens, but I will not be without the VR lens because I shoot often in low and available light situations.
