Family Portrait sitting

One of the greatest things I love about photography, has nothing to do with the captured image, nothing to do with fame (speaking of some of the subjects), but the nature of what I love about what I do is connecting with another human being.
I often meet people through my cameras whom I might otherwise never have met, and the few minutes to hour(s) that I am with them, where we connect is truly one of life's greatest gifts. These are moments when I truly feel a part of something much bigger than I am, part of a journey in which many, many other travellers feel the same or similar to me.
I scarce can describe fully what that feels like, but it is real, and special.
These few pictures in this album are of a family who engaged me to take some pictures of them and I finished the images yesterday and created a collage from some of the images I captured. I am very pleased with these images, and hope you like them as well.
The collage image is a construct of 15 separate images and took several hours to assemble. Not simply cutting and pasting but ensuring each element was harmonious and balanced, that each image simply "worked'. Getting the right background and controlling where the light falls so as I do not "crowd' the image and direct the viewer to see what I wanted them to see.
It would be remiss of me not to suggest that if anyone likes these images and would like some updated family pictures, or solo portraits, please feel free to contact me.
