Believe in yourself

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
~ Sam Walton

Everyone needs to have someone to believe in them, to provide that much needed lift that assists and inspires. Once someone else believes in you, what can we accomplish? I have been the recipient of many people who have showed the hand of kindness and belief in me, who have provided that lift when I have so needed it.

I have also begun to know that irrespective of what others think or feel about aspects of life, it is what I think or feel that makes the difference. I have said it previously in posts on this blog, but I again reiterate that we can accomplish as people individually or collectively, whatever we want. I am living proof of it.

The wonderful blessing about feeling the way I do about life and about my potential, is that I can share that feeling genuinely with others. I feel very special when you can positively touch another soul and help and inspire them. Somehow magically in that process you become a torch bearer who passes the light and warmth that I have received previously, on to another person, who will hopefully in time share that with others. It also weaves a wondrous web of inter relations that touches hearts and minds and spans generations.

I certainly do not possess the answers to life, but what I can share is that many of the answers that work for me are all based on how I act or react to things that happen around me. I am on a wonderful process of self awareness and discovery...still!
A large part of me often hovers around and is with those that suffer, Haiti, Brazil and the families who experience loss. Some 2 million were reported homeless in Brazil. Catastrophic. I send out lots of positive thoughts and vibes today.


Tammy said…
I agree with this Craig, especially the part about it being a "process." I often think of it as a that we stop at various times and places to hang out. Some stops along the journey are longer than others, and some stops lead us temporarily off our path.
Goldenrod said…
A wonderful post, dear heart. I could not agree more.
Craig Peihopa said…
Thank you to both of you for commenting. It means a lot to me.

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