Victoria Baillie Rocks

Where do I start. I saw a poster in Tamworth for the Country Music Festival in January this year and as I was walking down the street I saw this poster of a young lady that jumped right out at me. I really liked the picture and thought I would go and see what she was about. She was performing at Blazes in Tamworth supporting Adam Harvey, a seasoned and well loved Australian country performer.
What struck me though about Victoria's performance was that she dressed impeccably well, she had personality plus and really connected with the audience. Her performance was nothing short of impressive. Later that evening I saw her walk the red carpet escorted by Rod Motbey who is also in her band and was elegant and effusive in her interviews with the various people from the media and fans. Also in her band is her sister Barbara who has a very warm and powerful on stage presence, and I tried to capture a little of their interactions on stage and succeeded a couple of times.
I personally believe that she has the right stuff to make it big and go the distance. I know it wont be easy, but when I looked at people like Shea Fisher and others who are very good, and are touted as the next big thing, I think Victoria has an x factor which separates her from the crowd. Victoria took home her very first Golden Guitar for Maton New Talent of The Year at the 38th CMAA Country Music Awards of Australia on January 23rd 2010 in Tamworth and deserved to.
I went to see Victoria on Thursday night just gone at the Rooty Hill RSL, west of Sydney on what is a very small stage, and there were not many people there, but you never would have thought so by the way she walked and talked with the audience. I got to meet many of them myself, there was a real sense of community there and something which I find amazing was that everybody loved it. I saw some people of the older generation getting up to bootscoot, and there was even a young man with Down Syndrome, not unlike my own son, who sat front row centre pretending to play the drums throughout the entire performance. Which victoria and her band acknowledged and praised. There was a big table of family and friends that had a HUGE birthday cake who proceeded to cut it up and share it with all of the people who came to see and hear Victoria. It was a wonderful atmosphere.
I was very pleased to officially meet Victoria in person, though we had communicated over several txt messages concerning some photography, but I commend this young lady to you. I see people like Taylor Swift and others who are good, and I feel very confident to say that I honestly feel and hope that we will hear much more from Victoria, and I hope I have many more opportunities to see and photograph this wonderful artist.
I went to see Victoria on Thursday night just gone at the Rooty Hill RSL, west of Sydney on what is a very small stage, and there were not many people there, but you never would have thought so by the way she walked and talked with the audience. I got to meet many of them myself, there was a real sense of community there and something which I find amazing was that everybody loved it. I saw some people of the older generation getting up to bootscoot, and there was even a young man with Down Syndrome, not unlike my own son, who sat front row centre pretending to play the drums throughout the entire performance. Which victoria and her band acknowledged and praised. There was a big table of family and friends that had a HUGE birthday cake who proceeded to cut it up and share it with all of the people who came to see and hear Victoria. It was a wonderful atmosphere.
I was very pleased to officially meet Victoria in person, though we had communicated over several txt messages concerning some photography, but I commend this young lady to you. I see people like Taylor Swift and others who are good, and I feel very confident to say that I honestly feel and hope that we will hear much more from Victoria, and I hope I have many more opportunities to see and photograph this wonderful artist.
I have included her tour dates below for April and May and also a few You Tube clips for you to peruse. The picture of Victoria holding a white stratocaster copy is my guitar which I have had many country artists autograph and of course now includes Victoria's.
My photographic assistant and friend Loren also went to the concert for some low light photographic practice and became a real fan of Victoria as well. Whats not to like though!
APRIL 2010
Sat 3rd-Sydney Royal Easter Show, Homebush Bay, NSW (Members Bar
Fri 9th-Sydney Royal Easter Show, Homebush Bay, NSW (Members Bar
Fri 16th- Leading Edge Traralgon, 1pm (Instore performance & signing with Adam Harvey)
Fri 16th- Bairnsdale RSL, VIC (special guest with Adam Harvey)
Sat 17th- Leongatha RSL, VIC - Victoria Baillie in Concert (special guest Darren Colston) For bookings Ph: (03) 5662 2747
MAY 2010
Wed 5th- The Excelsior Hotel, Surry Hills NSW ‘Victoria Baillie & the Southern Green’ (for tickets
Wed 12th- The Excelsior Hotel, Surry Hills NSW ‘Victoria Baillie & the Southern Green’ (for tickets
Sat 15th- The Loaded Dog Tarago, NSW
Sun 16th- Mean Fiddler, Rouse Hill NSW
Wed 19th- The Excelsior Hotel, Surry Hills NSW ‘Victoria Baillie & the Southern Green’ (for tickets
Fri 21st- Cessnock Country Music Festival, East Cessnock Bowling Club, NSW 8pm (
Sat 22nd- Pure Pop Records, 221 Barkly St, St Kilda VIC (Instore performance & signing)
Sun 23rd- Criterian HotelTrafalgar VIC, ‘Charity Lunch’ 12noon-4pm (all monies raised goes to Headway Gippsland for a community bus, further information on: 0418 596 494)
Wed 26th- The Excelsior Hotel, Surry Hills NSW ‘Victoria Baillie & the Southern Green’ (for tickets