Natures blessing
I had the wonderful opportunity of going out and photographing some bushland, some unique trees and scenes with two very dear friends. We were photographers and perhaps keen observers wanting to enhance our experience and capture something of what we saw. I really loved it and think they did also. Nature is like a balm to the soul. I find it refreshing and liberating. The sounds of the birds are just beautiful. It is not often I get to hear Kookaburra birds "laugh" but they are so intrinsically apart of the Australian natural landscape it would not be the same without them. At the end of the pictures I will add a couple of clips that you might find interesting.

Moss or blue green algae is on the top of the water which can give a false impression that it is grass and can be walked on. Do so at your own risk!

some of this ivy looked like love hearts. How wonderful.

These were some big bloody ants! and they are fangs or pincers in front of them. I have never seen these ants before. I put obstacles in their way and they kept on marching over and under in a course directly toward me, unlike any other "normal" ants who would go in a different direction. They were agro ants!! Can you imagine if they were our size, we would be in a heap of trouble! I loved seeing and capturing them.

Some neglected farm machinery. They were made in England and obviously transported here by ship in the 1900's. It was like looking back in time and thoughts of whose hands made them, if they could speak what stories of yesteryear would they tell?
I love the forest floor, though in summer you have to exercise some extra caution if there are any snakes and whatever.
The Laughing Kookaburra
Koalas may be and look cute and cuddly, but they are very noisy creatures when they are angry or aroused. They sound like a combination of lions and pigs! Have a listen.
and in Australia we have lots of white pointer sharks, 8 of the 10 worlds deadliest snakes, the deadliest spider and a host of other nasties as well, but you know what? It is a great place to live. I have played this on the blog before, but here is an encore presentation by the Scared Weird Little Guys and someone called Drizella. Any relation to cruella?

Moss or blue green algae is on the top of the water which can give a false impression that it is grass and can be walked on. Do so at your own risk!

The Laughing Kookaburra
Koalas may be and look cute and cuddly, but they are very noisy creatures when they are angry or aroused. They sound like a combination of lions and pigs! Have a listen.
and in Australia we have lots of white pointer sharks, 8 of the 10 worlds deadliest snakes, the deadliest spider and a host of other nasties as well, but you know what? It is a great place to live. I have played this on the blog before, but here is an encore presentation by the Scared Weird Little Guys and someone called Drizella. Any relation to cruella?
Another great set of photos. My 2 fave are the first tree you posted that you are looking straight up to the sky and the first road. Very nice, all of them.
And those ants....sheesh. I didn't know such vicious ants even existed! Did you see that ant structure Youtube video I posted on my blog yesterday?
Probably don't have all the words right, and maybe even left out a stanza or two. Haven't thought of this in eons!
That first pic kind of looks like an ice-skating rink painted green. Well, the first two pix, actually! :)
Don't at all like the looks of those agro ants!
Liked your shot of the weathered log. At first glance, I thought it was an old tire.
Tee hee! Got a kick out of listening to the koalas. Might even add bears and kittens to try and describe their sounds.
That last video is VERY funny! I might even reference that in the post I'll be doing in another month or so that I teased you about earlier.
Great post, Craig. Lots of good stuff in here!
Goldenrod, I loved seeing those words to the song, and I think they are great. We used to sing
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, merry merry king of the bush is he, Laugh Kookaburra laugh kookaburra, gay your life must be!
A slight difference but good to read.
The ice skating rink! had not thought of that previously but yes it does. The agro ants did not shy away at all. I was captivated by their indomitable spirit and fight.
Glad you liked the post, thanks for commenting.