What's happening
the regular people who visit my blog will have noticed a real change in the type of posts I make and will have perhaps wondered why, perhaps now is the time to explain why I have pulled back a lot of the personal feelings and thoughts in recent times. True I have been stupidly busy, but the passion I had to write and pour out my heart in my thoughts and feelings were minimised by the silliness of a couple of people.
I have in recent times been ignoring a certain person, and their friends who feel slighted and have been offended by my existence who have undertaken as their personal charter, to embarrass and humiliate me. I spoke directly of this sometime ago in a post I am not interested to find on this blog, and every few weeks I receive some disparaging and cryptic comments and veiled threats which have not previously been published because I have brushed it off and ignored it thinking that like an annoying fly, it will eventually go away.
My thought has been to ask the question why?
I honestly believe that this person in particular is so lonely and so unsatisfied with their own life that the only thing that matters to them and their cohorts is that they cause me grief and humiliation. I wonder more about what makes a person hate so much? what makes a person want to threaten and try to intimidate and I come up with only one word or motive, Power. Power of information, power over another to illicit fear or to intimidate someone. Oops, sorry doesn't work with me. The very people that care most to me already know more than they could reveal.
I am saddened for this person. NOT saddened about what they wish to say or publish about me, I am just sad because I don't think all of the effort and angst spent to bring me down will really offer the satisfaction they seek. I may lose a few readers and people who choose to believe the tripe they see, but if that occurs, so be it.
Just so you all understand, I am not perfect. Have never wanted to give the impression I am, never wanted to paint myself as a pillar of propriety or wisdom, I am an average person with extarordinary hopes and exciting ideas who wants to find all about life, and to emotionally touch and be touched by people I care about. I have made some decisions and choices that I have been very unhappy with in my life. Some of those choices have hurt people, even me, and I deeply regret that, but the sad parts or the poor choices number only a few by comparison to the richness of life and the richness of experience I have been so fortunate to be a part of.
So if someone you meet or know wants to tell you all about Craig Peihopa and send you emails with countless pictures and tell you things that will titillate and amaze you, I will not try and explain myself to you about what you think you see or what you might think. I only ask you to consider a couple of things.
Is what you see and hear to accompany the images true? - what is that motivated by?
Is what I see and think about this, the whole story or truth?
Only you will be able to decide, but let me state this If someone thinks that by knowing a little about a person, good or bad is the whole summation of that person or their life, you would be sadly mistaken. You make up your own mind, and judge me as you wish, but thankfully, no matter what, I think the efforts of those will soon be shown for what they are; a childish inability to get over a hurdle without whining about it to all who have ears to listen. What does it matter if a few dogs bark at the heels of weary travelers, the Craig caravan will move on.
They have signed the comment below, again, as cowards with no name. Perhaps we could add no respect, no feeling and no code. So I guess some of you may hear or see pictures that might incriminate me soon. I have had other people comment who claim they know me and say I saw you doing such and such, and again sign with an anonymous name and say that they think it is in my best interests not to know who they are so to protect me, but they are watching me. Phooey, NOTHING they do is to protect me, it is all about protecting them, their identity and to give them some sort of leverage or power.
What happened to reasoned and caring individuals who would approach you privately and ask for clarity and understanding and then walk away with a renewed respect for each other? There are so few people of this quality left it would appear.
The threats of emails isn't working. Sometime ago I spoke with a friend who is in a prominent legal position and divulged the details and images I have, and gave him a copy of emails and texts and other things, he has them all, and at my request has even enlisted the help of a whiz internet guru to track and identify the ip address where the anonymous comments come from. Harassment is a strange thing.
I have nothing hurtful, angry or disparaging to add to the pointless battle, I simply want to state here, that I know of an email that has already circulated, and someone else has notified me already from whence it was sent.
I have no equal desire to trade tit for tat, this post has been created and will be the last I hope in explaining a little of what I have been facing in recent times, and like most things, the efforts and hopes of many can be dashed by the few.
All I have to say is, send as many emails, tell as many people as you wish if that makes you feel better. I wish you no harm, no ill feeling, I just wish you peace.
no name has left a new comment on your post "Ohh isn't this sweet":
You've just been unanimously chosen the winner of 2008 Hypocrisy Award !
You will be caught with your pants down sooner than you think!
Your words and deeds will come back to haunt you.
Pictures will paint a thousand words.
Posted by no name to The Light Fantastic TLF at January 08, 2009
But inspite of all that is said and done against me, it is within my heart to forgive. I choose not to surround myself with negativity and malice, I choose to face the future and have it radiate with hope and joy. I also choose to want to be better today than I was yesterday. As it was once said in a book I read by Neil A. Maxwell, "Life is a series of proving, reproving and improving". So in that spirit I am always trying to improve. Have a great day.
I have in recent times been ignoring a certain person, and their friends who feel slighted and have been offended by my existence who have undertaken as their personal charter, to embarrass and humiliate me. I spoke directly of this sometime ago in a post I am not interested to find on this blog, and every few weeks I receive some disparaging and cryptic comments and veiled threats which have not previously been published because I have brushed it off and ignored it thinking that like an annoying fly, it will eventually go away.
My thought has been to ask the question why?
I honestly believe that this person in particular is so lonely and so unsatisfied with their own life that the only thing that matters to them and their cohorts is that they cause me grief and humiliation. I wonder more about what makes a person hate so much? what makes a person want to threaten and try to intimidate and I come up with only one word or motive, Power. Power of information, power over another to illicit fear or to intimidate someone. Oops, sorry doesn't work with me. The very people that care most to me already know more than they could reveal.
I am saddened for this person. NOT saddened about what they wish to say or publish about me, I am just sad because I don't think all of the effort and angst spent to bring me down will really offer the satisfaction they seek. I may lose a few readers and people who choose to believe the tripe they see, but if that occurs, so be it.
Just so you all understand, I am not perfect. Have never wanted to give the impression I am, never wanted to paint myself as a pillar of propriety or wisdom, I am an average person with extarordinary hopes and exciting ideas who wants to find all about life, and to emotionally touch and be touched by people I care about. I have made some decisions and choices that I have been very unhappy with in my life. Some of those choices have hurt people, even me, and I deeply regret that, but the sad parts or the poor choices number only a few by comparison to the richness of life and the richness of experience I have been so fortunate to be a part of.
So if someone you meet or know wants to tell you all about Craig Peihopa and send you emails with countless pictures and tell you things that will titillate and amaze you, I will not try and explain myself to you about what you think you see or what you might think. I only ask you to consider a couple of things.
Is what you see and hear to accompany the images true? - what is that motivated by?
Is what I see and think about this, the whole story or truth?
Only you will be able to decide, but let me state this If someone thinks that by knowing a little about a person, good or bad is the whole summation of that person or their life, you would be sadly mistaken. You make up your own mind, and judge me as you wish, but thankfully, no matter what, I think the efforts of those will soon be shown for what they are; a childish inability to get over a hurdle without whining about it to all who have ears to listen. What does it matter if a few dogs bark at the heels of weary travelers, the Craig caravan will move on.
They have signed the comment below, again, as cowards with no name. Perhaps we could add no respect, no feeling and no code. So I guess some of you may hear or see pictures that might incriminate me soon. I have had other people comment who claim they know me and say I saw you doing such and such, and again sign with an anonymous name and say that they think it is in my best interests not to know who they are so to protect me, but they are watching me. Phooey, NOTHING they do is to protect me, it is all about protecting them, their identity and to give them some sort of leverage or power.
What happened to reasoned and caring individuals who would approach you privately and ask for clarity and understanding and then walk away with a renewed respect for each other? There are so few people of this quality left it would appear.
The threats of emails isn't working. Sometime ago I spoke with a friend who is in a prominent legal position and divulged the details and images I have, and gave him a copy of emails and texts and other things, he has them all, and at my request has even enlisted the help of a whiz internet guru to track and identify the ip address where the anonymous comments come from. Harassment is a strange thing.
I have nothing hurtful, angry or disparaging to add to the pointless battle, I simply want to state here, that I know of an email that has already circulated, and someone else has notified me already from whence it was sent.
I have no equal desire to trade tit for tat, this post has been created and will be the last I hope in explaining a little of what I have been facing in recent times, and like most things, the efforts and hopes of many can be dashed by the few.
All I have to say is, send as many emails, tell as many people as you wish if that makes you feel better. I wish you no harm, no ill feeling, I just wish you peace.
no name has left a new comment on your post "Ohh isn't this sweet":
You've just been unanimously chosen the winner of 2008 Hypocrisy Award !
You will be caught with your pants down sooner than you think!
Your words and deeds will come back to haunt you.
Pictures will paint a thousand words.
Posted by no name to The Light Fantastic TLF at January 08, 2009
But inspite of all that is said and done against me, it is within my heart to forgive. I choose not to surround myself with negativity and malice, I choose to face the future and have it radiate with hope and joy. I also choose to want to be better today than I was yesterday. As it was once said in a book I read by Neil A. Maxwell, "Life is a series of proving, reproving and improving". So in that spirit I am always trying to improve. Have a great day.
You know...I have a slightly similar situation, but MY person is someone we know, a past friend. She is determined to sling mud and make up lies for power. Power to hurt me, power to hurt my girls, and power to hurt my family. Because my family is the most important thing in the world to me, she wants to ruin my family in any way she can. Comments have been left from her on my blog, which I've been quick to delete, but I always wonder if anyone read them and believed them. Right now my blog is not private because I no longer care. My family knows what is true and what is not true, and that is what is important. And my friends know me for who I am, and hopefully will choose to ignore nasty comments. Anyone else who may choose to believe the hatred really doesn't know me.
It sounds like you are in the same place I am in right now. I was angry, and I'll admit very hurt, but now I just feel sad for the person trying to cause problems for me. It's so sad when someone gets wrapped up in hatred and consumed with trying to bring someone else down instead of trying to lift someone else up. So very sad.....
As for Neal A. Maxwell - I loved him. What a dear and wise man. He is very missed in my corner or the world.
Hold your head high, Craig. You are a good person with a good family. And I know you have good friends as well as us internet friends who are proud of the person you strive to be. You are not perfect, none of us are, but you try. You try to be a good person, and that's way more admirable than trying to ruin another person.
Hang in there. Blog what you want. Don't worry about your trouble maker. Just pray for him/her, and we will pray for you. :)