Here's to the Heroes in my life
I wanted to pay a small tribute to the heroes in my Iife today, people who have in my mind contributed to the way I think and feel, people whose everyday life has made such a difference to mine. There are so many it would be impossible to list them all here. I honestly cannot fully praise them all here in this post. I am grateful for people in my family Marcelina, Denzel, Mum, dad, sisters, brothers, family and friends. Even many, many aquaintances who are even more numerous to mention.
I have been particularly touched by people who have faced incredible odds and won recently. I watched a dear lady the other evening who is a breast cancer survivor. I am filled with respect for her, for the quiet dignity with which she carries herself and I have pondered the thoughts and the strength and depth of understanding she has discovered within herself. She is in remission and is on medication which is expensive and no doubt onerous and still she smiles and has a care and "air" about her which is humbling.
I also saw a documentary on a woman who is a paraplegic who was trying out for the Australian equestrian show jumping team for Beijing and listening to her inspiring determination to overcome the incredible odds and prejudices to triumph and achieve heights that pushed her and tested her resolve. She never made it to the Beijing team, but said she will try for the international championships in two years and then London in 2012. What an inspiring person.
My life and my experience pales in comparison to these heroes that impact my life. There are quite literally hundreds, but I just wanted to mention a couple of examples here to express outwardly the gratitude I feel for my life, the chance to live it, and interact and be touched by so many true heroes.
Here's a small and personal tribute to them and the many hundreds I have not named here. Thank you for being the people you are.
Here's to the heroes
Those few who dare
Heading for glory
Living a prayer
Here's to the heroes
Who change our lives
Thanks to the heroes
Freedom survives
Here's to the heroes
Who never rest
They are the chosen
We are the blessed
Here's to the heroes
Who aim so high
Here's to the heroes
Who do or die
Mia monacha prosefchi (A single prayer)
Pera os pera alithini (Truthful throughout)
Gia panta mesa stin kardia mou (Forever in my heart)
Here's to the heroes
Who aim so high
Here's to the heroes
Who do or die
I have been particularly touched by people who have faced incredible odds and won recently. I watched a dear lady the other evening who is a breast cancer survivor. I am filled with respect for her, for the quiet dignity with which she carries herself and I have pondered the thoughts and the strength and depth of understanding she has discovered within herself. She is in remission and is on medication which is expensive and no doubt onerous and still she smiles and has a care and "air" about her which is humbling.
I also saw a documentary on a woman who is a paraplegic who was trying out for the Australian equestrian show jumping team for Beijing and listening to her inspiring determination to overcome the incredible odds and prejudices to triumph and achieve heights that pushed her and tested her resolve. She never made it to the Beijing team, but said she will try for the international championships in two years and then London in 2012. What an inspiring person.
My life and my experience pales in comparison to these heroes that impact my life. There are quite literally hundreds, but I just wanted to mention a couple of examples here to express outwardly the gratitude I feel for my life, the chance to live it, and interact and be touched by so many true heroes.
Here's a small and personal tribute to them and the many hundreds I have not named here. Thank you for being the people you are.
Here's to the heroes
Those few who dare
Heading for glory
Living a prayer
Here's to the heroes
Who change our lives
Thanks to the heroes
Freedom survives
Here's to the heroes
Who never rest
They are the chosen
We are the blessed
Here's to the heroes
Who aim so high
Here's to the heroes
Who do or die
Mia monacha prosefchi (A single prayer)
Pera os pera alithini (Truthful throughout)
Gia panta mesa stin kardia mou (Forever in my heart)
Here's to the heroes
Who aim so high
Here's to the heroes
Who do or die