Time Management

Something that has been out the window with me over the previous month or two was Time management.

I saw this little excerpt from a new book by Brian Tracy. I like the little excerpt and was impressed by its simplicity and I am hoping to put the plans into place better.

Excerpted from The Power of Discipline by Brian Tracy

Self-Discipline & Time-Management

“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” ~Napoleon Hill

There is perhaps no area of your life where self-discipline is more important than in the way you manage your time. Time management is a core discipline that largely determines the quality of your life. Peter Drucker says, “You cannot manage time; you can only manage yourself.”

Time management is really life management, personal management, management of yourself, rather than of time or circumstances. Time is perishable; it cannot be saved. Time is irreplaceable; nothing else can replace it. Time is irretrievable; once it is gone or wasted, you can never get it back. Finally, time is indispensable, especially for accomplishment of any kind. All achievement, all results, all success requires time.

The fact is that you cannot save time; you can only spend it differently. You can only move your time usage from areas of low value to areas of high value. Herein lies the key to success, and the requirement for self-discipline.

Time management is the ability to choose the sequence of events.

Wow, that last line impacted me particularly.

I am looking forward to a great year.


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