Last night

Last night we had the opportunity to share a wonderful meal with some lovely friends in Manly on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Jim and Lydia have a hectic schedule also, and over a few opportunities recently we have tried to catch up, only this was the time when we actually did. I couldn't believe how fast the time went with them. It is great to share some time with friends. They shared some of their experiences in Khatmandu Nepal, Northern india and other places, as they are widely traveled. Marcelina and I marveled and laughed along. It was a real fun night. Thanks for sharing that with us Jim and Lydia.

this is a hand held image without flash which I just took standing across the road.


Ruby Rideout said…
craig, your friends and their experience in nepal and northern india would be a great topic of conversation with me.
i'm so jealous, especially considering the fact that nepal is next on my summer's list of Must Go's.

your last image across the street is gorgeous too.

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