Catching up

Whilst I was "chillin" over the Christmas / New Year break, I caught up on one of my favourite television shows of all-time, Prisonbreak. I sat, lay down and winced in every one of the 13-16 episodes of Season 2, 3 AND 4. I have just found out from this last trailer that there are 6 more and final episodes before it finishes, and already my blood is pumping!

One of the reasons I love this show, is that the people are basically good, there is no swearing, and no gratuitous sex scenes, not that I am a prude but it is just very stark and refreshing. I also admit, totally unrealistic in the conext of what it would be in actuality. The writing for this is edge of the seat drama for me I love the unpredictability of the characters and situations. I agree though that it is not a show to watch from week to week to try and hold your interest, it is a sit down for 30-40 hours and feel the blood pump as you go on a thrill ride of twists and turns.

People tell me the ratings stink and blah blah, but often I have found these comments from "grazers" who go from channel to channel and never really watch it. Anyway, I loved it!!! I can't wait for the last 6 episodes!!!!

The picture is a shot I took near the airport in Sydney. I was trying out a lens from Nikon a 14-24mm, and it is damn amazing. It got a whole city block in this one shot. Have a look at the scale of the cars at the bottom. I was in a penthouse apartment, and one thing i have noticed as I have grown, is that I used to love looking down from heights, but it appears these days this feeling in my butt and stomach tell me that those heady days of the thrill of looking down are way behind me. I was so hesitant to go near the edge of the railing to take the shot, but I did! I overcome the fear and then hurriedly took 3 steps back after the shot was taken, breathing a sigh of relief that it was good and I didn't have to take another!!


Tammy said…
Ok, I know nothing about professional photography and cameras and lenses and such, so forgive me for my question sounding very kindergartenish...

In the photo of the city block, was the block curved or did the lens make it go curvy?? That's about the coolest photo I've ever seen! Very nice, Craig.
Tammy said…
My daughter Katie says "Oh wow!" She is as impressed with that photo as I am!
Craig Peihopa said…
Tammy and Katie, a very big thank you for your OH Wow's!! it made my day. In the photo of the city block it was already curved, but the lens that I am trying allows it all to end up in one picture. For example I was using another lens which allowed me to only get 60% of the image into the picture, this 14-24mm lens made a world of difference being able to get it all in!

Thanks for looking and commenting!

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