The Brewster Brothers Trio

The photography and Graphic art I was working on for the Brewster Brothers Trio in their latest CD called
Wounded Healer
is complete and out in stores and has already started selling well. It is a bit of a thrill to see artwork that I created being appreciated and along with the great music, selling well!

Creating something that is commercially available is a humbling experience. It is a hell of a calling card mind you! The Brewsters are Australian musical legends in their own right and this music they create is wonderful. It hovers around the style of Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan and is reminscent of other influences but the songs and style is uniquely theirs. I commend them to you.

I am proud to be associated with these great artists and their music. I hope our association can continue for many years to come.

Here is the press release, and the pages of the CD cover and the inside CD Booklet. I am giving away 3 copies with postage paid to anywhere in the world! The lucky 3 people who will be chosen at random on the 8th of February 2009 who can answer the following questions in an email to me, so I can contact you and get your postal address will win a copy.

What are the names of the Band members? and who is the lead singer?
(Gotta pick harder questions next time.)

email me at:

The Brewster Brothers Trio will release their definitive new album ‘ Wounded Healer ' in January 2009 having completed their successful ‘Night Attack' tour with The Angels.

Their first appearance will be at The Tamworth Country Music Festival in January 2009 where they will perform six shows over the festival. The Trio will then tour NSW, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia to promote their new album.

‘Wounded Healer' is aptly named, and comes at a particularly interesting time, as John recovers from quintuple heart bypass surgery after suffering a heart attack whilst on the Queensland leg of The Angels tour. John is making an incredibly quick recovery and brings a new vigor and enlightened outlook to his music. ‘ Wounded Healer ' was recorded at the famous Whitehouse Studios in Bowral, NSW.

Recent Interview with John Brewster.

“We absolutely love the sound of The Brewster Brothers Trio and joining forces with Paul Robert Burton has had a big impact on both our live shows and repertoire. ‘Wounded Healer' is to us the definitive Brewster Brothers. We have re-worked, re-arranged and re-recorded our favourite tunes from our back catalogue as well as some new songs. Both Rick & I love our first album ‘Shadows Fall' and ‘Live at Port Fairy' , but we really wanted to capture what we are doing now as we feel it is really special. We have, I think, seven new versions of our most popular live tunes and four previously unreleased tracks including a great rendition of one of our old Angels' classics, ‘Face the Day' . Rick has penned the title track ‘Wounded Healer' and also a personal favourite of mine, ‘In A Heartbeat' . This song strikes a big chord with me as it is about how suddenly in life things can just change, and only about a week after finishing it I had a heart attack and we were all left wondering if I would even be able to perform about baring your all in's all too spooky sometimes.”

‘ Wounded Healer' will be available through MGM, all good record stores and at:

The Front Cover

The Back Cover


Anonymous said…
Nice work Craig. You must be stoked. Congratulations! LisC
Tammy said…
You know Craig, you are a very lucky person...not many people can say they LOVE their job. To be able to meet and photograph the people you have is miraculous. What a cool job.

I'll email you with my answers. Yes, next time make the questions harder, lol!

Before I realized all the answers are right HERE I looked around for a bit on google. Somewhere I read that they play the washboard too, but I'm thinking I didn't see it mentioned on the cd photos. I'll have to go look again.

And I listened to the YouTube videos you posted. I agree wholeheartedly, they do have their own unique sound, but that first one was very Bob Dylan"ish" and the second one VERY much reminded me of Pink Floyd.

Keep posting about all you do. I know I (and probably many others) love getting a peek at the world through your eyes.
Tammy said…
Forgot to mention, I love the harmonica in their music. Emily is dying to learn to play it. I've finally located 2 ladies in this area who play, and I need to give them both a call to see if they give lessons.

And nope, I didn't see the washboard listed as an instrument on the cd...
Craig Peihopa said…
I am LisC and thanks.
Craig Peihopa said…
Thanks so much Tammy, a lovely comment and the washboard is not on this CD but is on their other one with their third band, The Moonshine Jug and String band, and it is a great sound.
Ruby Rideout said…
Craig, I am so proud of you!!
This is a huge deal, so you should be stoked!

This posting was eye candy to me. Wink.
Tammy said…
Aaaahhhh....wonderful music, Craig!

As soon as the cd came in the mail, Emily scurried off downstairs with it and I didn't get a chance to listen to it til the next day. Emily and I both LOVE the music. Such a unique sound. Very earthy.

We enjoyed seeing your name on the case...much oohing and aahing over that. :)

Thank you for sharing with your friends!!!

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