Australia, I am standing in it!

I have not really expressed this previously, but I am very proud to live in this country and after becoming a citizen of this great land, as I was born in New Zealand, I could not be happier. I am very proud of my Maori and New Zealand heritage, but have adopted this country as home.

Thought I would add a couple of film clips which are both television commercials the first from the National airline, QANTAS, which for those who didn't know, is short for the Queensland and Northern Territory Air Service (it's original service route) and was written by the late Peter Allen, who resided mostly in the US and wrote the song for Australia's bicentennary concert. I will never forget that performance, it was amazing. I will include a 3 minute clip below that which shows a little bit about him.

The next clip is from a Telstra commercial a national telephone company, that charges the most on their services than the competition! I guess though, that these ads must cost a bomb and they have to be paid for by someone. Call me a sucker!
This song was written by a member from the seekers, and will show a clip below that for background.


Goldenrod said…
Do you have a dual citizenship, Craig? It's long been my understanding (perhaps incorrect) that the country of New Zealand will not allow new citizens. At one point in my life I fantasized about moving to New Zealand and teaching there.
Craig Peihopa said…
No Goldenrod, I chose to be an Australian. New Zealand is generally very happy to accept new citizens. I know a few who have found it easier to go to New Zealand and then springboard to Australia. But they are generally quite amenable to new people. Mind you I do not work in immigration there or have any specific intel concerning that. Ask!

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