more on Jeans for Genes

I thought it would be very appropriate to highlight some of the pieces of artwork that were auctioned off on the 23rd. As I have indicated previously, these jeans are one off pieces of art. The jeans in the majority of instances were actually owned and worn by the the stars themselves, which adds something to the unique nature of them. Couple that with the painting and artistry that you see, they are highly sought after items. Look at the quality and detail that exists on them they are beautiful. It is a big standard to be measured by. I was told the name of the celebrity whose jeans I will be given to create something with I will keep the name secret at this stage until I get the actual jeans, hmmm it's exciting. what to do?????
The Police picture was done in a week by the artist Alison Coulthurst. Glenn A. Baker indicated that she turned on the music of the Police and played it loud and then started painting. WOW. If I had the cash I would certainly have paid it. Worth every cent I felt. Robyn Coughlin, the artist who did the Julie Christie artwork below is a wonderful lady whom I have made a strong acquaintance with, is a celebrated artist with Aboriginal roots and it permeates her work. She has a canvas purchased by the National Art Gallery and is worth almost $200,000. I LOVE her work. She has exhibited around the world and creates clothing and textiles for exclusive resorts as well. She is even creating a piece of art for me at present. I included a picture of the both of us in her small art gallery in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.

I thought I would also show a couple of the other artists next to their work as well.

Cameron Diaz

Jackie Chan

Grant Hackett

Ray Hadley

The McClymonts

Well, probably one of the first things you'll have to do is get some tape to put over your mouth so you don't "blab all". :)
The second thing will be to come on down from the sky of excitement so you can get some sleep!
I LOVE this post, Craig. Showing the artists along with their art was a good idea. Congrats ... again!
I received the pair of Jeans yesterday and am enjoying the creative thoughts and impressions now flooding through me to create something as stunning and glorious as the artworks seen in this post. But yes, I don't think I will say much more about the pair of jeans now until it is complete. I have a year to complete it but I will have it complete in the next 5 months. Most of that time will be planning.
Thank you again ever so much.