Another day
The leader of billions of Catholic followers, Pope Benedict has arrived on Australian soil this afternoon in Sydney's RAAF airforce base in Richmond, west of Sydney. The pictures that appear here are all taken by NINE and can be seen online at their website.
I just thought it would be good to see them for those of you who are overseas. The first picture is of the pope on the Alitalia so dubbed plane called Shepherd1. No hidden chamber, but a whole row in first class all to himself. The next picture of the pontiff is when he is about to come down the stairs of the plane, note the man in the foreground is an official photographer. I thought Wow, that is some Job to have, the pontiffs personal photographer. Lastly, the picture of the Pope with Australia's Prime Minister Mr. Kevin Rudd and Australia's Archbishop George Pell.

As luck would have it, I have met a young man whose best friend is the personal photographer for Nelson Mandela and whilst he cannot promise me anything, I have been told that he will try and get an autographed picture for me. Nelson turns 90 this week and I wish him a Happy Birthday. A few hours ago he addressed a group of people in Soweto with the Ms Johnson-Sirleaf the first female leader of an African nation, being that of Liberia. The story and picture is from Reuters.
Mandela calls for end to hatred, division
Sun 13 Jul 2008, 8:07 GMT
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Former South African President Nelson Mandela on Saturday called for more solidarity to end conflicts that have sown hatred and division around the world.
In a speech before the presentation of the annual Nelson Mandela lecture by Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Mandela, who turns 90 on July 18, said there was a need to place concern for others at the centre of human values.
"There is still too much discord, hatred, division, conflict and violence in our world here at the beginning of the twenty-first century," he said.

What a statesman and inspiration. I love this man and am grateful we have people like him, who by virtue of their quiet resolve and inner strength have changed the hearts and minds of many many people.
I have spoken with some of my family members and one of my dear friends about the previous post and have now come to the place where I am calm about the choice that Mum has made. I don't support it, but am pleased that if that's what she wants, that is how it shall be. I have let my sadness go, hard as that was.
and lastly, an interesting image that was sent to me via email.

It is a big week this week. Have a good one everyone.
I just thought it would be good to see them for those of you who are overseas. The first picture is of the pope on the Alitalia so dubbed plane called Shepherd1. No hidden chamber, but a whole row in first class all to himself. The next picture of the pontiff is when he is about to come down the stairs of the plane, note the man in the foreground is an official photographer. I thought Wow, that is some Job to have, the pontiffs personal photographer. Lastly, the picture of the Pope with Australia's Prime Minister Mr. Kevin Rudd and Australia's Archbishop George Pell.

As luck would have it, I have met a young man whose best friend is the personal photographer for Nelson Mandela and whilst he cannot promise me anything, I have been told that he will try and get an autographed picture for me. Nelson turns 90 this week and I wish him a Happy Birthday. A few hours ago he addressed a group of people in Soweto with the Ms Johnson-Sirleaf the first female leader of an African nation, being that of Liberia. The story and picture is from Reuters.
Mandela calls for end to hatred, division
Sun 13 Jul 2008, 8:07 GMT
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Former South African President Nelson Mandela on Saturday called for more solidarity to end conflicts that have sown hatred and division around the world.
In a speech before the presentation of the annual Nelson Mandela lecture by Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Mandela, who turns 90 on July 18, said there was a need to place concern for others at the centre of human values.
"There is still too much discord, hatred, division, conflict and violence in our world here at the beginning of the twenty-first century," he said.

What a statesman and inspiration. I love this man and am grateful we have people like him, who by virtue of their quiet resolve and inner strength have changed the hearts and minds of many many people.
I have spoken with some of my family members and one of my dear friends about the previous post and have now come to the place where I am calm about the choice that Mum has made. I don't support it, but am pleased that if that's what she wants, that is how it shall be. I have let my sadness go, hard as that was.
and lastly, an interesting image that was sent to me via email.

It is a big week this week. Have a good one everyone.
I watched a movie for the severalth time last night, "The Shoes of the Fisherman," with Anthony Quinn. Not one of my all-time favorites, but good.
About the one paragraph where you talk about how you have 'let go' of your sadness, Craig, that pleased me very much. I can only imagine how much turmoil you were in. I'll be thinking about your mother and her courageous fight against this dreadful disease.
I vehemently disagree with 'Anonymous'' criticism of how you exposed your feelings to the 'world'. "Airing dirty laundry" might be another, more old-fashioned way of saying it.
I inferred from one of A's comments that you were letting only strangers in on your frustration. Well, you have blogger friends out here, as well as total strangers ... one of whom is me. Personally, I appreciate the way you share your innermost thoughts and feelings. Most men just are not capable of doing that. (By the way, Craig, when you did vent your frustration in that post, that was cathartic in itself, and helped you swim through the emotional quagmire you were in.) I hope that you will continue to be 'open'.
I am not a catholic, however I certainly respect and appreciate what this visit by the Pope means to the almost 700,000 pilgrims and locals who have ventured to see him. And yes he does look friendly and warm. It's a shame I wasn't given the assignment to cover any of his engagements, I would love to have met him. I recall seeing Pope John Paul once and thought what a wonderful person he was.
Hmmm......... where do I start?
V2T.. yes... I understand their comments. I don't agree with them, but I understand them.
Goldenrod..... yes..... that I can connect to.
I think it is commendable that you feel so closely connected to the people that visit your blog each day, that you should want to share with them your more vulnerable moments as well as your more triumphant ones. It makes you "REAL"
It means a lot to me.
Goldenrod and Lynn, thank you for your opposing points of view. It is always refreshing and stimulating to have a point countered. It is our abilities to reason and see things from different perspectives that gives our wonderful world a fascinating diversity.
I feel it is important however, to clarify the message and intent of my post to Craig, because it would seem that it is misunderstood. Goldenrod, because you are a newer visitor to Craig’s blog, I would like to provide you with some background.
It has never been my intent to ‘gag’ Craig in his personal expression and openness. It is fair to say that I have been one of his supportive readers in this respect. In fact, if you peruse through the older posts of this blog you will find that Craig’s most expressive, open and cathartic posts have been in response to questions I have posed. Craig has noted that these opportunities have been very fulfilling for him and he continues to openly welcome such questions and queries.
It is also fair to say that in response to Craig’s honest expressions over time, I have made every endeavour to ‘listen’ carefully, appreciate, understand, empathise and comment accordingly.
Craig is well aware of my views regarding privacy and boundaries when publishing and/or commenting in public forums, particularly the rights of family members. I am sure Craig anticipates my predicable responses before he even hits the “post” button. Suffice it to say, we agree to disagree on certain matters.
My comments on these topics may seem myopic or rigid, however I assure you that they come from a solid base and are always in Craig’s best interests. Craig will recall several instances throughout the history of his blog where I have advised him concerning ethics in publishing, particularly when using celebrity names and political topics. Consequently, Craig has taken the opportunity to amend certain entries in order to avoid litigious possibilities.
It should also be noted that in the history of this blog, Craig has honestly stated that his mother was unhappy with him for posting private information about her personal life without her prior consent. In fact, Craig refused to comment further on one particular matter out of respect for his mother’s request for him to stop. Craig’s decision to post without her prior consent caused his mother consternation and brought about turbulence in their relationship.
This particular history formed the springboard for my recent post.
Goldenrod, you made the comment:
“…criticism of how you exposed your feelings to the 'world'. "Airing dirty laundry" might be another, more old-fashioned way of saying it.”
My post was not a criticism of Craig for expressing or venting; my views on Craig’s openness are already well established.
Rather, my post was made out of concern for how Craig’s mother might respond and the potential for further turbulence in their relationship. Given the history I have recounted above, coupled with Craig’s comment that his mother was angry during their phone call and her clear request to “leave [her] be”, it is my view that publicly blogging the situation was a bad judgment call with the very real potential of making matters worse.
In the interests of his relationship with his mother (particularly given that Craig has noted that they have been estranged until recently) I believe that it would have been best not to blog about their phone call and disagreement.
I certainly did not infer that Craig should gag his feelings or not vent. On the contrary, I recommended that he do so verbally with his wife and close friends. Privately venting until the ‘dust settled’ and until emotions were calmer would have still given Craig the opportunity for catharsis and averted the potential for turbulence with his mother.
This was the message and intent of my post. In hindsight, I did not express it well enough and I apologize for my lack of clarity.
Craig, again, I genuinely do feel for you in this situation. Your frustration and desperation were evident. Whilst I believe you would have been best to delay or abort your post, I understand that it is easier said than done when you are in the midst of overwhelming emotion.
I am pleased that you have found peace. I hope things are ok between you and your mother.
"Craig refused to comment further on one particular matter out of respect for his mother’s request for him to stop. "
My Mothers consternation arose because she was concerned what others would think if they read it, as few people knew about the given aspect of her life.
"Craig’s decision to post without her prior consent caused his mother consternation and brought about turbulence in their relationship."
The turbulence had been there prior to this post. She expressed her displeasure in me posting the issue that V2T noted in the comment but was not, as suggested, the cause of the turbulence.
Goldenrod, I understand your feelings regarding anonymous comments. Particularly in view of the buffeting Craig has experienced recently.
I just want to clarify that I am in no way associated with the individuals who have caused problems for Craig on his blog. I have taken the time to make sure that Craig also knows this also.
Loved the photos of Pope Benedict. Amid the chaos in the world, we surely do have some great religious leaders :)