All the colours of the rainbow

I am a lover of nature. I believe that a walk in the park or a journey in the rain or watching a sunrise are renewing and beautiful things. I am also a lover of brightly coloured birds. I was at someones home the other day and saw these beautiful Rainbow Lorikeets and he put sunflower seeds on his third floor balcony and the birds came and ate straight off the balcony, allowing me some beautiful pictures.

I haven't yet seen a Toucan to photograph but would love to do that one day. I also love the Lyrebird which is a unique bird to Australia. It is a perfect mimic, I have provided a clip from David Attenborough's focus on the Australian bird. I encourage you to watch it til the end, it will surprise you, and the thing is, that it is absolutely real. I also love the size and richness of colour of the Macaws but for sheer harmony of colour and brilliance I cannot go past the Rainbow Lorikeets.

Australia is such a wonderful country with a range of flora and fauna that is or grows uniquely to this country, we have kangaroos, Koalas, Echidnas, Cockatoo's, Galahs, Rainbow Lorikeets, Rosellas, Kookaburras, Tasmanian Devils, Cassowary, Emu's, Wallabies, Frilled neck lizards and as I posted in a former you tube clip from the scared weird little guys we have lots of poisonous stuff here as well, 8 out of the 10 deadliest snakes in the world, one of the most venomous spiders in the world, the Sydney Funnel Web, and a host of other little nasties. But all in all, I love it.