A Day off!!

Picture from ninemsn.com.au news bulletin sent to me.
This visit is HUGE. I am beginning to see the hundreds of thousands of people who have come here to support their leader, and I am hoping the city can do themselves proud. It will require some degree of patience for many Sydney siders but I am happy for the PR and tourist dollars it will generate.
No weddings today, and after getting a haircut and some nibblies, I have taken the liberty and time to give my two main blogs a bit of a facelift and then create the other skeleton HTML data for the other blogs I will be starting, to cater for people looking at Portraits and some of my celebrity stuff, and then my Studio Space site as well. I will be building upon the barebones they are at present very soon. The Wedding blog has become a proven success. MANY MANY clients, their families and friends have used the opportunity to log on and see their pictures. I found that between 30-40 pictures on the blog per wedding is a very good number to highlight each event and it has provided a great many would be clients the opportunity to assess my suitability for their tastes before they see me. Saving their time and mine as well. I am realising more and more that being accessible for people to choose these services at their convenience is imperative.
In the three months since its creation, the Wedding Blog has had some 2,500 visitors and is a proven success for me. With that success in mind I have created the space for a Portrait blog as well, which will feature portraits of cars, families, couples, individuals, animals and even landscape portraits which will cater for a large base of interest and display my abilities in a good forum.
That way when people need to see the scope of what I do they can do that without reading the thoughts and feelings on this blog. I love this medium and again express my gratitude to the many of you who visit and don't leave any comments. I was amazed yesterday at my friends who have had nearly 2 million visits to their combined blogs! AMAZING stuff.
More to come on these other blogs over the coming weeks.
The Studio space site apart from selling my artworks will be a place where people will be able to buy digital cameras, and photographic accessories as well. I have even been asked could people hire me to teach them how to use their cameras, and even been asked if I am interested in doing some tutorials, and so all of this is possible. So, I am experimenting in the back end of this and we'll see how it goes. Now, with all that extra work I have to do, I have had some me time already, back to work now for the assignments which are begging for my attention.
You'll need to hire someone just to go through all of the hits you're going to get, I would think. Youthful, energetic, and ambitious!