Marketing + understanding + doing = Success

Life is interesting isn't it. There are so many demands on our time and so many things that cause us to wonder and question at times, but through it all it's what drives us or motivates us that shapes in a real way what we become. I asked someone the other day, "what gets you up in the morning, what really drives you?" I guess that sort of question can throw you entirely if you were not prepared for it. But it is interesting to contemplate.

Some of you may be aware that for some time I have been pondering the impact of chance, and of right place, right time theory.

I have observed some work from other photographers who charge much more than I do and looked at their work and what they offer, and am really perplexed on occasion. I keep thinking how do I find people like that? People who are happy to accept images like that and pay an absolute bomb for not a real lot. A couple told me last month about a photographer they met who charged them $2,000 for their wedding pictures, they chose him instead of me, and then when the pictures came back they had to go and see the photographer at his premises, I go to the client, and had to pick 20 - 30 pictures for an album that was included in the package and when they say the 800 other pictures and enquired about them they were told it would take another $3,000 for the pictures to be given. If they wanted an album, magazine style, that would be another $3,000 on top of that. so what they thought was a great deal up front in fact become a bit like emotional blackmail. I saw the pictures and without doubt a couple were stunning. That said though the rest were no better or worse than mine, it is just how they marketed themselves I guess. They didn't win friends in this example and some may argue they may never. I have had several people say to me, I should have gone with you, and all I can muster is a polite smile, but I am endeavouring more and more to know my market better.

I ask the question though, what makes people go with them? I believe that is the nature of understanding your market, and even more importantly understanding your client base and knowing what they want- and give it to them. I am re-looking at my images and sharing them with some other people, especially women, who know what looks good and appealing. It is hard actually taking the images and "knowing" what the customer likes.

I had a wealthy man almost choke for theatrics at the price I quoted to cover his daughters wedding, and I noted with some joy and lots of confusion at a later time when I delivered the images. He said that he loved them and they were exceptional, and here comes the punch line, "your price is too cheap, you should charge much more!" I reminded him about his earlier quote and he agreed, but said you have to try and find a way to let people know the intangibles. The Krok wedding party commented how much they appreciated the "way" I worked and included everybody.

They said it was obvious that I am passionate about what I do, and I am. Imaging, taking, processing and discovering new ways of seeing through photographs is the very essence of my life's work, and coupled with that, preserving and perpetuating special life memories.

What can I say, I am a sentimentalist at heart!


Goldenrod said…
There's also an intangible called the luck of the draw, also known as being in the right place at the right time.
Anonymous said…
I have watched you work, and agree there is a way about you. I have noticed also that you are looking at your subjects from all sorts of angles. I used to think you were just being a show off by lying down on the ground, but it is hard to argue the impact of the pictures when seen from a different angle.

I have looked at your pictures on here, and also the pictures on the links area and think that whilst your links are good photographers there is a mystical ingredient to your images that stands out to me.

I have read that your trying to find yourself and make your mark, if I can surmise any. You already are Craig. You are very good. Remember not to lose sight of what I admire about you and your work the most. That is the passion you have.

If we could bottle that single attribute and give it to the world it would truly be an amazing place to live in. You sparkle when you talk about or work in photography.

Keep it up, there may be posts and comments of late that are not as lively as before, but I love what you do, and I will not identify myself to you, but I am a fan and really admire your commitment to your work. IT will happen for you, because you are already well on the road.

Don't forget that success is not a destination, it is a journey. The sad part is that the journey is often very short. ENJOY each and every moment.

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