Gear shift
It has never been my thing really, but of late, I have really become a willing fan of Australian Country music. I have especially become a fan of the current Australian of the year Lee Kernaghan. I am amazed at his capacity to help the people on the land, the farmers and those that do it tough on more occasions than city folk seem to realise. He has a wonderful manner about him and it is him whose jeans I will be working on for the next few months to create a work of art. Yes Goldenrod, I had to blab! For inspiration I have immersed myself in his music to get a better 'feel' for him as a person and to hopefully convey aspects of his character, genuine good charm and nature into his jeans artwork. For those of you who don't know him, here is a you tube clip.
I was consumed for the most part of the other night when I got the jeans, thinking about how I might display them and what elements I would use. Having never done this before and recognising that I may never be asked again, I want them to be exceptional. Not good, not great, exceptional! I have set myself so high a bar to mount I want it to be one of, if not THE, highest raising pieces at the auction.
Bear in mind, I get no money or remuneration for it whatsoever, but I want it to be the best. My secret hope is that when people see it or buy it that they think "Who the hell made this?" - in a good way!! or say " why haven't we ever heard of him before?" I guess to the readers here, my thought may seem pompous. That I would aspire to that level of acclaim, it is just that I think serendipity is something that can alter the course of your life and I never ever want to find out that because the opportunity of a lifetime came in a different guise than I imagined, and relaxed my strategy, I missed out on something that could have been amazing. That would kill me, so I have attacked this project with a creative explosion, the likes I haven't experienced for some time. It is in no small way consuming.
I strive for excellence and will leave the results up to the winds of fortune, or as Lee Kernaghan himself has sung
"life is like a rodeo,
That ride can throw you around
it can take you to the heavens
or send you crashing to the ground
And it's not a dress rehearsal
it's learning as you go
And I'm just another rider
in this electric rodeo..."
I don't believe it was anything other than a creative fusion that was happening inside of me. So much so that I got up, photographed the jeans and then went into my computer and designed what I was going to do. Emerging some three hours after I had started the task of designing them, I finished. I finished and felt so totally "complete" and satisfied with what I had created in the digital realm, I could hardly take my eyes off of the artwork, I had to pinch myself and say "did I just do that?"
I really feel that my work is a series of questions and answers that I find within myself. Whilst I need money to survive, pay the bills and realise my hopes and dreams, I would otherwise do this stuff for free because of the way it makes me feel. I am so grateful to my maker and to the many people in my life, both physical, in cyber space and even beyond this mortal sphere who have in a real sense allowed me to be here and become the person I am becoming. I feel that I have become the benefactor of so many familial and environmental influences that the work is really not only mine, but OURS. I am so grateful that it seems to find a mode of expression within me and that I am a receptive vehicle to realise those thoughts, feelings and impressions.
I have a busy few days ahead and will not be writing for a couple of days and just wanted to share this post, as a glimpse into how I feel and what is happening at present.
I will be seeing the McClymonts again on Thursday, hey hey hey!! and wanted to share this clip of them accepting their award at this years Country Music Awards in Tamworth, some 6 hours drive north west of Sydney.
Be good and have a great one everyone. I will have more pictures and stories to share soon.
I was consumed for the most part of the other night when I got the jeans, thinking about how I might display them and what elements I would use. Having never done this before and recognising that I may never be asked again, I want them to be exceptional. Not good, not great, exceptional! I have set myself so high a bar to mount I want it to be one of, if not THE, highest raising pieces at the auction.
Bear in mind, I get no money or remuneration for it whatsoever, but I want it to be the best. My secret hope is that when people see it or buy it that they think "Who the hell made this?" - in a good way!! or say " why haven't we ever heard of him before?" I guess to the readers here, my thought may seem pompous. That I would aspire to that level of acclaim, it is just that I think serendipity is something that can alter the course of your life and I never ever want to find out that because the opportunity of a lifetime came in a different guise than I imagined, and relaxed my strategy, I missed out on something that could have been amazing. That would kill me, so I have attacked this project with a creative explosion, the likes I haven't experienced for some time. It is in no small way consuming.
I strive for excellence and will leave the results up to the winds of fortune, or as Lee Kernaghan himself has sung
"life is like a rodeo,
That ride can throw you around
it can take you to the heavens
or send you crashing to the ground
And it's not a dress rehearsal
it's learning as you go
And I'm just another rider
in this electric rodeo..."
I don't believe it was anything other than a creative fusion that was happening inside of me. So much so that I got up, photographed the jeans and then went into my computer and designed what I was going to do. Emerging some three hours after I had started the task of designing them, I finished. I finished and felt so totally "complete" and satisfied with what I had created in the digital realm, I could hardly take my eyes off of the artwork, I had to pinch myself and say "did I just do that?"
I really feel that my work is a series of questions and answers that I find within myself. Whilst I need money to survive, pay the bills and realise my hopes and dreams, I would otherwise do this stuff for free because of the way it makes me feel. I am so grateful to my maker and to the many people in my life, both physical, in cyber space and even beyond this mortal sphere who have in a real sense allowed me to be here and become the person I am becoming. I feel that I have become the benefactor of so many familial and environmental influences that the work is really not only mine, but OURS. I am so grateful that it seems to find a mode of expression within me and that I am a receptive vehicle to realise those thoughts, feelings and impressions.
I have a busy few days ahead and will not be writing for a couple of days and just wanted to share this post, as a glimpse into how I feel and what is happening at present.
I will be seeing the McClymonts again on Thursday, hey hey hey!! and wanted to share this clip of them accepting their award at this years Country Music Awards in Tamworth, some 6 hours drive north west of Sydney.
Be good and have a great one everyone. I will have more pictures and stories to share soon.
(By the way, I just "knew" you couldn't keep from blabbing the name!) :)
I listened to the YouTube that you posted. Liked it. (Doesn't he have a really nice smile? And, isn't it interesting how different he looks with/without his hat?) I guess we all, worldwide, have this stereotypical notion of a cowboy with his hat on.
Many years ago, when 'country' music first appeared here in North America, it was -- truly -- not very good music. But, that was years ago. Nowadays it's quite enjoyable -- my personal opinion.
Your account of how you came up with a design for the jeans was a lot of fun to read. I felt caught up in your excitement.
One little caution, if I may. The finished product might or might not fetch the highest price at auction, the audience's breath might or might not be taken away at its inspirational beauty and innovative design, and you might or might not be regarded as a genius whose talent gazillions of people will want to tap for themselves.
NONE of the above will be as important as what you were feeling when you finished the design in a creative 'frenzy'. All of those feelings then returned when you wrote this post.
There is so MUCH in this post that I would like to share with my readers, Craig. I hope you don't mind. Naturally, I will be giving this specific post a reference, but will be expanding upon a point or two that I think of special significance.
Again, congratuLAtions on a job well done!
I am very proud of the way it has turned out, and know that irrespective of what is thought, or irrespective of what price it gets, I gave it my all! and then some.
Thanks heaps