A Flawed script - apology given
Further to my comment on the post titled A Mixed Bag, There has been a lot of public and media interest surrounding the correct information concerning Down Syndrome and the error that network 7 put to air on their All Saints program. in light of the controversy, and the increase in stares I have noted in the last week or so with Denzel, I thought it would be best to put some references here and provide some facts on this matter to round off the point. The following is quoted verbatim from the Down Syndrome NSW Newsletter that was published on the net earlier today, and then a quote from Channel 7 Program Manager taken from the Melbourne Age and the final quote from Dr. Peter Sloan speaking on behalf of Down Syndrome Australia.
Channel 7's All Saints gets it very wrong!
Popular Channel 7 TV drama 'All Saints' got it badly wrong in last week's episode (27th May 2008)when it conveyed an association between incest and Down syndrome. A couple in an incestuous relationship were advised there was a greater chance their offspring would have Down syndrome.
This is not correct. It is based on a misunderstanding of the genetics involved in Down Syndrome. As Dr David Amor, Clinical Geneticist with Genetic Health Services Victoria stated...
"The scriptwriters... have definitely got their wires crossed here.
The offspring of incestuous relationships are at high risk of genetic disorders, but this risk is entirely confined to disorders with autosomal recessive disorders (that is, where a faulty gene is inherited by the child in a ‘double dose’, one from copy from each parent. There is absolutely no increase in the risk of Down syndrome (or of other chromosomal conditions) for the offspring of incestuous relationships. The justification provided regarding translocations is not plausible"
Ray Hadley interviewed Jill O'Connor from Down Syndrome NSW on radio 2GB to help knock on the head yet another myth about Down syndrome. Down Syndrome NSW has worked with other states, as part of Down Syndrome Australia to set the record straight, putting out a media release and fielding many calls from the media and public, and receiving widespread coverage.
Responding yesterday to Down Syndrome Australia's initial complaint, Seven released a statement that said: "All Saints values its audience and has the greatest respect for their commitment to the program.
"Without reservation, to any members of the audience who have found an element of a recent story offensive, Channel Seven apologises." (Melbourne Age)
“It is not only discriminatory to insinuate that people with Down syndrome are products of incestuous relationships, it is wrong”. “There is no scientific basis for All Saints’ grossly offensive storyline” Dr Sloan Down Syndrome Australia.
It was immediately obvious to me, upon first looking at your family portraits, that Denzel is one of those very special people. Having mentally noted that, I forgot it.
It was ALSO immediately obvious that you have a very happy family.
I, being of an older age than you, had always thought that this was more likely to be a product of the mother's age (beyond 40) being past the 'ideal' for bearing a 1st child.
We, as parents, are always telling our children, "It's not polite to stare." Is it not equally impolite for adults to stare??
Thanks for your comments. I suspect that my wife's age may have contributed somewhat, though one thing I have noted is that the number of recorded births of Down's babies has been almost one for one the same over the last 13 years in this country. Despite the number of women who choose to have an amnio. The main thing seems to be that younger women are giving birth to Down's children who wouldn't get the test normally. Interesting.
As for staring, I thoroughly agree, but only ever get troubled when adults stare. Kids are kids and I admire and embrace their curiosity, but adults just don't show much restraint at all. Most smile when they see Denzel, others turn away as though they might catch something, and other people pretend not to see him. Yet Denzel is just a good kid whom I love as much as life itself. He has made me so much a better person. Life is a series of games with Down's kids to get them to do something, learning has to be fun. The moment you raise your voice at him he will dig his heels in and become more defiant. Love is always the only road to go with my man, he simply doesn't respond to any other way.
Being Mr Mom at the moment is teaching me more and more about him and about how to negotiate in much better ways. Thanks for posting. I thought it was important to put this post here as I raised itpreviously and wanted to round it off properly.