A mixed bag

Australia won against Iraq in Soccer (football) on Sunday night. The home grown master player Harry Kewell kicked the winning goal. Strange, I am not even a big sports fan, but I have become caught up in the growing tide toward the next FIFA world cup. I was also happy that I saw the team from Iraq and even talked with them on a couple of occasions as they stayed in the same hotel at South Bank where I was. I was glad Australia won, but am a strong believer that to be in that grade for Iraq or any team is an accomplishment. I admire them. They played well from what little of the replays and commentary I saw and heard. Good on you guys! Both teams.

I am a little heavy of heart today to learn about a sub-plot that reportedly aired on Network 7's television show called All Saints recently, where they portrayed in their story line that Down Syndrome was the result of incest. Please note, I never saw the episode in question and limit my criticism to simply what I have heard and read. I accept that commenting fully without having seen the item in question myself, can be a flawed way of criticising at all. However, It was a major topic for a while on radio talk back this morning, and I have read an article on ninemsn.com.au (link placed below) and feel that it would be important on the basis of what I have heard and read to make a comment.

I was very saddened and disillusioned that these sorts of myths are perpetuated at all, let alone become the plot for a television show. I feel it hinders the advances in understanding and community awareness concerning the true nature of Down Syndrome and what actually occurs in the process. I have come to know much of this genetic anomaly over the last 12 years and have become a person who will strive to counter any mis-conceptions about the genetic condition or the people themselves should opportunities arise. My interest is a vested one I agree. Though the perception others have adds so much to having my son, and others like him, accepted more for who they actually are, and not for what people think they are the result of.

I have included a link to the story below from the ninemsn.com.au website. You can click on it if you wish to.


I am still so drained after my bout of the flu, which still lingers. It is no where near as debilitating as it was last week, but it lingers nonetheless, and is causing me to be very tired.

Hope you are all well.


Ruby Rideout said…
I wondered where you were! Haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks. I wanted to see if you did that Indian lady's session yet but haven't gone far enough down your blog yet.

Had to comment.

The comment about incest and Down Syndrome is assenine. I have a cousin who has DS and that's the last thing on earth to have to relate it to.
Ignore narrow minded comments as such. They mean nothing.

I hope you feel better and are recovering from the flu. Feel better my friend.
Craig Peihopa said…
Thank you so much Ruby. It is very good of you to comment on this topic. I truly appreciate you and your kind remarks.

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