Another film review...

I received several emails from concerned people prior to the release of a film starring Nicole Kidman called The Golden Compass. I was encouraged to steer clear of the film, and it was suggested that it was misleading and of an "anti-Christ" nature. I was hesitant, but chose to watch it. I kept on waiting for the evil, and kept waiting for the meaning of the emails to appear. I saw it, twice in fact thinking I might have missed the hubbub. It appears there was none. I found the film to be in the vein of a Cheaper "Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or the Chronicles of Narnia". I am not comparing it to those films, but it is a fantasy film and I loved it. I do feel that it must be the first in a series, I have not researched or read about it, and left me a little like asking where the To Be Continued... sign was. I loved the ice bears from Svalbard. I like the name of the place. I give it a rating of 3 out of 5.

It occurs to me that like a visitor to my blog, I should write a post about others of my favourite films. I will in a coming day.


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