On the mend.

I'm lying in bed in a hospital after surgery yesterday and am sore and uncomfortable but happy. I apparently had 3 hernias and one of them was quite large.

It is 4:30am and I just wanted to jot down some thoughts.

I am the sort of person that does talk about things regularly but when I knew I was coming in to hospital it affected me much more than I realized. My blood pressure had gone through the roof and I was outwardly all ok, or so I thought. I was trying to ready myself and get my tax done, rego paid and the other things that also involves. Not long after my family and I arrived I was prepped for surgery and was on my back heading for theatre. Being wheeled down the hallway was like a scene from many movies and then they put a mask over me and said we will see you after then I was gone.

My abdomen hurts somewhat but it is much more like the pain of holding your water in too long and your Bladder / stomach hurts. I'm in a private hospital with 4 other youg guys and will be released this morning. So for the next few days I will be taking it easy.

Life is very interesting. Thoughts around the operation would occasionally reside around the question what happens if you die on the table? I raise that not to be morbid but that it will happen to us all at some point. Have I achieved what I wanted and many more questions.

I have enjoyed the experience albeit not the cost, but am grateful that the funds and time off were available.


Update. I am out of hospital and at home. my abdomen is VERY sore having had 3 hernia corrections in the same surgery, I just never realised how much one uses the muscles of the abdomen before, even for talking! I can sit relatively comfortably in my office chair with no pain where i am now and can lie down in a particular position, but getting to that position, or out of it, or the act of sitting or standing is the pain area. Far be it from me to complain, I list the situation here because it has been a very sobering reminder of just how much I take for granted and when I look back on this post in time to come i will remember and be more appreciative. i have been in this chair now since 7:24am and it is now 9:08 am and i have no strength left after writing the post about citizenship. i tell you that for someone who is always busy and on the go it is shocking to think that i have no strength at all. i will go back to bed now i think.


Tammy said…
Craig, I am thinking of you and also your family at this time. I am sincerely so glad you are recovering well my friend. Thoughts and prayers for you from me and all of my family... ♥
Anonymous said…
glad surgery went well. praying for speedy recovery...
Lydia P
Anonymous said…
I guess having a hernia can be a pain in the bum or in your case maybe not so. Anyway take care brother.



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