Kaytlin & Brock

A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate to be able to cover the wedding of Kaytlin & Brock and what a fun couple they are. I reaffirmed at this wedding one of the essential things I love about what I do, and that is the great privilege it is for me to contribute positively to peoples lives.
It was said by William James a great American Philosopher that
"The greatest thing you can do in life is to do something that will outlast it"and indeed those words resonate with me. I really love capturing moments. So much so that I have captured a word I think that best describes me and what I feel about what I do, and that is the word Momentalist!
I worked at this wedding with a wonderful person Parisa and this was her first wedding as an assistant, and she really enjoyed it. i think there are great opportunities ahead for her in the Timeline team.
I thought I would include here a couple of my favourite images from the day!

Which temple is this?