Cadel Wins the Tour De France

Cadel Evans is the first Australian to win the world's most famous Bike race the Tour De France and justifiably his parents, friends and extended family and even the country, is proud and celebrating this persistent young Aussie who tried for 10 years and won! His emotional outpourings endeared him to us as he thought less of himself, and more of others as he thanked them.
Humility is in my mind a trait, a character gem, that seems to be disappearing. We have so many people filled with their own perceived or real importance and the results when that happens is very sad on a whole range of levels.
It seems almost incongruous that at the same time a country celebrates here in the land Down Under, that in a far away northern land, a country, and in particular, 92 families in Oslo are mourning the senseless loss of their loved ones at the hand of a disturbed young man. My heart and prayers go out to this nation and their people as they struggle to find meaning and reason why the flame of life was extinguished so quickly.
Then there is Amy Winehouse, I was a fan of her music and I recognise that her family and all her fans are mourning her loss also. Her loss is still senseless at 27 and whilst it was not literally at the hands of another, it is still nonetheless tragic. It is a very mixed bag of a weekend